新加坡 - 泰国双重税收条约
泰国是一个传统的农业经济,迅速发展成为一家制造业经济。强劲的外国直接投资(FDI)进入电子产品和汽车领域已将这一亚洲虎转变为区域制造基地。泰国在1997 - 1998年的经济危机和积极追求出口增长之后拥有开放的市场政策。这些策略为该国获得了良好的报酬,这是世界上成为世界十大汽车出口国家的国家。泰国是东南亚第二大经济体,被认为是该地区经济成功案例之一。该国丰富的自然资源和丰富的劳动力使其成为理想的制造基地。
Singapore-Thailand Relationship
新加坡和泰国分享了一个漫长而强大的经济关系,日期追溯到19世纪。通过泰国新加坡公民服务交流计划(CSEPO)和新加坡 - 泰国的广泛制度联系和新加坡 - 泰国的经济关系(转向),通过广泛的机构联系培养的新加坡和泰国官员之间的强大关系受到了双边关系的基础。泰国是新加坡的第九大贸易伙伴,2012年的总贸易额为322亿美元。推动贸易的主要部门包括泰国和新加坡之间的制造业,电子产品,以及服务业。各国之间的一些主要贸易商品包括精制石油产品,电子和电信设备。
Singapore was the second largest foreign investor in Thailand in 2011, after Japan. According to the Board of Investments (BOI), Singapore companies invested S$1.36 billion across 95 projects in 2011, a significant increase of 57% compared to 2010.
通过越来越多的贸易投资和旅游部门的合作,正在加强双边关系。当东盟经济共同体成为2015年的现实时,泰国将成为投资地点更具吸引力。泰国政府的振兴其经济和吸引投资的计划为新加坡的公司提供了积极的推动力。新加坡 - 泰国DTA于1975年结束,向投资者提供有吸引力的税收主张,对两国边境运营的投资者。以下是DTA的关键规定的概述。
If the person, other than an individual, is a resident of both the contracting states, then the residency shall be determined by the state in which its place of effective management is situated. In cases of doubt, the competent authorities of the contracting States shall determine the residency through mutual agreement by taking into consideration all relevant factors.
Storage facilities held for certain purposes, such as storage of goods for the purpose of display, delivery, processing, etc., would not amount to a PE. Likewise, maintenance of a fixed place solely for the purpose of carrying on activities that are of a preparatory or auxiliary in character will also not amount to PE.
A resident company of a contracting state controlled or being controlled by a resident company of other contracting state shall not by itself amount either company a PE of the other.
But the tax so charged shall not exceed 20% of the gross amount of the dividends if the recipient is a company which owns directly at least 25% of the voting shares of the company paying the dividends.
这一规定不适用,如果收件人公顷s a PE in the contracting state of which the company paying the dividends is a resident and such dividend received is effectively connected to that PE. Such income from dividends connected to a PE will be treated as a Business Profit and subjected to tax treatment accordingly.
Tax on Interest
- 如果收件人是包括保险公司的金融机构,则总金额的10%
- in all other cases 25% of the gross amount of the interest
Tax on Royalty
Royalties arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State. Royalties shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State when the payer is a resident of that State.
However, such royalties may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which they arise and according to the laws of that State, but the tax so charged shall not exceed 15% of the gross amount of the royalties. Royalties encompass payments of any kind received as a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright patent, trade mark, design or model, plan etc.
The provisions shall not be applicable if the recipient of the royalty has a PE or fixed base in the contracting state in which the payer is resident and the royalty paid is effectively connected with such PE or fixed base.
The general Withholding tax rate on royalties paid to non-residents in Thailand is 15% and the corresponding Singapore rate is 10%. The treaty does not provide any special privilege against the general framework.
Gains from the alienation of immovable property may be taxed in the Contracting State in which such property is situated. Gains derived by a resident of a contracting state from the alienation of movable property connected to a PE or a fixed base located in the other contracting State may be taxed in the other state. Gains derived from the alienation of such PE or the fixed base itself may also be taxed in the other state.
Gains from the alienation of any property or assets, not covered under this provision shall be taxable only in the State of which the alienator is a resident.
Treatment of Income from Property
Income derived by a resident of a Contracting State from immovable property situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State. Income from immovable property of an enterprise and income from immovable property used for the performance of independent personal services shall also be covered by this provision.
Treatment of Business Profits
Treatment of Income from Shipping & Air Transport
Income from the operation of aircraft in international traffic shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the place of effective management of the enterprise is situated.
Income from the operation of ships in international traffic by an enterprise having a place of effective management in a Contracting State may be taxed in the other Contracting State, but the tax thus imposed shall be reduced by 50%.
The provisions applies to the share of the income from the operation of ships or aircraft derived by an enterprise of a Contracting State through participation in a pool, a joint business or an international operating agency.
If an enterprise or persons involved in an enterprise of a Contracting State participate directly or indirectly in the management, control or capital of an enterprise of the other Contracting State, the enterprises involved are said to be associated enterprises.
In the case of associate enterprises, the DTA provides that the contracting states may deem a taxable income that would have otherwise accrued if the parties were independent and tax the enterprises accordingly.
- If the recipient is present in the other Contracting State for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in the fiscal year.
- 如果该服务是代表作为第一州居民的人或代表第一届州的人提供
- 薪酬或收入不是由薪酬或收入的人承担的薪酬或收入。
Directors’ fees and similar payments derived by a resident of a Contracting State in his capacity as a member of the board of directors of a company, which is a resident of the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State.
Entertainers, Artists & Athletes
However, such incomes shall be exempt from tax if they are accrued for such activities exercised in one of the contracting state if the visit to the contracting state is substantially supported by public funds of the other Contracting State, including any political subdivision, local authority or statutory body thereof.
If the activities are performed in a Contracting State by an enterprise of the other Contracting State, the profits derived from providing these activities by such an enterprise may be taxed in the first-mentioned Contracting State unless the enterprise is substantially supported from the public funds of the other Contracting State, including any political subdivision, local authority or statutory body thereof, in connection with the provision of such activities.
Persons on Government Service
Salaries, wages and other similar remuneration, other than a pension, paid by a Contracting State, a political subdivision, a local authority, or a statutory body thereof to an individual in respect of services of governmental nature rendered to that State, subdivision, authority or body would be taxed by that State.
Students and Trainees
Students and trainees who were a resident of a contracting state immediately before visiting the other contracting state, where he receives training or education and is temporarily present in the other contracting state solely for the purpose of education or training, shall be exempt from tax in the other state.
However, the provision shall not apply to cases in which the study, research or training occupies a secondary character to the personal services rendered that produce any remuneration.
Teachers Professors and Researchers
Elimination of Double Taxation
新加坡是在国际投资者的目的地以后追捧,用于建立控股公司。新加坡的亲营税制及其广泛的条约安排和该区域主要经济体之间的密切双边关系吸引了通过持有在新加坡居民的公司被引导的投资。自从其近40年前的成立以来,新加坡 - 泰国DTA仍然是一个关键的牵引力,而其意义最近开始被DWWindle,双方的当局已经提示讨论更相关和更新的安排。当修订版本生效时,双方的企业和投资者都应该能够享受更精致的特权。
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