

Singapore is currently a signatory to the following relevant international conventions:

  • Paris Convention
  • 伯尔尼公约
  • 马德里议定书
  • 很好的协议
  • 专利合作条约
  • 布达佩斯条约
  • WIPO Copyright Treaty
  • 世界知识产权组织表演和录音制品条约
  • 保护植物新品种国际公约
  • 《工业设计国际注册海牙协定》日内瓦法(1999年)《商标法新加坡条约》

本指南的目的是提供一个简述ction to Singapore’s Trade Marks Act and the trademark registration procedure in Singapore.

Singapore Trademark Act – Key Features



  • 根据《商标法》进行的商标注册只在新加坡有效。商标保护具有地域性,因此,要在其他国家获得商标权利和保护,就必须在这些国家注册商标或通过《马德里议定书》进行国际商标注册。由于新加坡是《马德里议定书》的缔约国,商标在新加坡备案后,可以通过在新加坡的首次公开募股(IPO)方式提出国际申请。有关详细信息,请参阅通过新加坡商标局进行全球商标注册.
  • 商标必须能用图形表示。此标志可以是任何字母、单词、名称、签名、数字、装置、品牌、标题、标签、票证、形状、颜色、包装或其组合。与美国等司法管辖区不同,新加坡商标制度不要求在商标注册获得批准之前提交使用证据。
  • 根据《商标法》,申请没有时间限制。但是,应当指出,侵犯注册商标权的诉讼只有在商标注册的情况下才有可能进行。商标注册自备案之日起生效。新加坡注册商标的有效期为10年,每10年期满可以无限期续展。
  • 随着服务商标注册制度的引入,服务商标的分类范围从国际分类35扩大到45。由于列入了服务商标,对在先权利的搜索现在将扩大到包括:就应用于货物的商标而言,与寻求注册的货物密切相关的服务,以及就服务商标而言,检查将包括与这些服务密切相关的货物的标记。


The registrar of trademarks in Singapore has the duty of examining each trademark application to see if the trade mark is registrable. The registration process can take anywhere between 8 – 12 months, depending on whether there are objections or any other difficulties encountered.

Although, the owner can file a trade mark application directly, it is highly recommended that you engage the services of a professional firm to register your trade mark due to the complexity of paperwork and the procedure involved. Benefits of hiring a professional firm include:

  • 您将能够最大限度地减少因不完整或不正确的申请而被拒绝的可能性。
  • A professional firm would be able to respond competently to any clarifications sought by the trademark registrar or to any objections made during the trademark examination process, which can assist to increase chances of a successful registration.
  • You will save a tremendous amount of personal time and effort required.

For guidance purposes, the steps involved in Singapore trademark registration are outlined below. If you have hired a professional firm, most of this work will be coordinated by the professionals.

Step 1: Identify class of goods/services

Before an application can be filed with the trademark office, an applicant has to decide on the types of goods/services for which trade mark registration is sought. Goods and services are appropriately classified from classes 1 to 45 under the International Classification of Goods and Services generally referred to as the “ICGS”.

Due care should be taken to ensure that the application is filed under the correct class. It will be necessary to file applications in more than one class, if the applicant deals in a wide range of goods or services.





Step 4: Application checking for completeness and compliance






Step 6: Examination for conflicts with law

After the previous step is complete and successful, the application will be examined to determine whether the mark is registrable in accordance with Singapore Trademark Laws. The examiner will check to ensure that the mark does not fall into the areas not allowed by law, for example, marks that are devoid of any distinctive character.

The applicant will be notified of any objections found and a specified period of time will be granted to resolve the objections.

Step 7: Advertisement for public scrutiny




If there were no objections from any party or if all the objections were resolved in favor of the applicant, the trade mark will be registered and a registration certificate will be issued to the applicant.

Singapore Trademark Registration FAQs

Q. What is the validity period of a trademark registration in Singapore?
A、 商标注册自申请之日起10年内有效。可通过支付适用的续期费,一次无限期续期10年。
Q. What are the typical causes of rejection?
A、 在新加坡拒绝商标注册的典型原因包括:

  • 已有一个与申请商标非常相似的现有商标。
  • The trade mark is not capable of uniquely distinguishing the goods/services (for which its registration has been sought) from other goods/services supplied by other traders.
Q、 在新加坡注册商标需要多长时间?
A、 注册过程可能需要8到12个月。
Q、 我是否需要为每类商品/服务分别注册商标?
A、 就商标注册而言,世界上所有已知的商品和服务被分为45类。商标注册只适用于您从事生产或提供业务的商品和服务。在新加坡,现在可以从2007年7月2日开始进行多班级注册。在多类别系统中,业主只需提交一份适用于所有类别的申请。这使商标所有者及其代理人更方便,因为他们将能够以适当的捆绑方式管理其商标注册,而不是单独处理每个注册。例如,为同一商标申请的所有类别的商品和服务只需要一次注册。这些注册包也可以作为包进行分配、续订或许可。不利的一面是,如果一个班级在考试过程中遇到异议或困难,这会立即影响申请中的其他班级,从而推迟考试。
Q、 我必须在国际注册前在新加坡申请商标吗?
A、 根据《马德里议定书》提出国际申请时,商标必须首先在原产国注册。
Q. What should I do if I wish to license my registered trademark to a third party?
A、 作为注册商标的所有人,你可以在商标注册处登记被许可人。有关详细信息,请参阅新加坡商标许可证注册指南。


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