
Under Singapore’s Copyright Act, it is a criminal offense for a person or company to conduct wilful copyright infringement. The statute of limitations for copyright infringement in Singapore is six years.

Copyright protects works like literary, computer programs, plays, music and paintings. It is not ideas but their expression that are protected by copyright law. Generally, the author of a copyright work has the right to reproduce, publish, perform, communicate and adapt his work. These different exclusive rights form the bundle of rights that we refer to as copyright. These rights enable a copyright owner to control the commercial exploitation of his work.


Copyright protection in Singapore

The modern Copyright Act (Cap. 63) of Singapore was passed in 1987 and is based on Australian legislation. The original Copyright Act 1911 of United Kingdom remains relevant in relation to copyright material made before the current Act came into effect.


In Singapore, an author automatically enjoys copyright protection as soon as he creates and expresses his work in a tangible form. There is no need to file for registration to get copyright protection.




The Copyright Act of Singapore allows a person to copy part of a work (not substantial) for private study or research only.

有效2005年1月(当新加坡Copyright Act was amended), it is now a criminal offense for a person or company to conduct willful copyright infringement. The statute of limitations for copyright infringement in Singapore is six years.

Copyright vs Trademark



The copyright protects the form of expression rather than the subject matter of the writing. As an example, a specific description of a camera could be copyrighted, but this would only prevent others from copying the description; it would not prevent others from writing a description of their own or from making and using the camera. Copyright law does not protect a bare phrase, slogan, or trade name.

The purpose of a registered trademark is to protect words, phrases and logos used in business to identify the source of goods and/or services. Trademark rights may be used to prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark, but not to prevent others from making the same goods or from selling the same goods or services under a clearly different mark. If you are interested in protecting a brand, title, slogan, or other short word or phrase, then generally speaking, you would want to register a trademark.


Hawksford can assist businesses starting up in Singapore with the trademarking of a business name, slogan and logo.


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