- 管理和行政职位:这样的职位被定义为一个人在招聘,射击,促销,转移,奖励或其他员工的纪律方面有直接权威或影响;或主要职责涉及管理和运行业务。它还适用于专业人士(拥有高等教育以及专门的知识或技能),他们对管理人员或高管进行了相同或相似的责任。这些专业人员的例子包括律师,会计师,牙医和医生。
- 家庭工人
- 海员
- Most of the Government Staff
Furthermore, employees earning below SGD 2,000/month are provided additional protection (concerning “Rest Day, Hours of Work and Overtime, Public Holidays, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Retrenchment Benefits, Retirement Benefits, Annual Wage Supplement and other variable payment”) under Part IV of the Employment Act.
Importance of Employment Contract
Employment Contract is also known as Employment Agreement, Appointment Letter, Offer Letter, etc. It is an agreement between an employee and employer that specifies the terms and conditions of employment. It is advisable to have a written employment contract in Singapore. Typically, only senior management employees might have the option of negotiating their employment contracts. A violation of one or more of the terms in an employment contract by either an employee or employer is considered breach of contract. Most employment contracts include several important clauses such as:
- Appointment position
- Duration of employment contract, if applicable
- Date of employment commencement
- Remuneration package
- 工作时间
- Employee benefits
- 缓刑条款,如适用
- Code of conduct
- Termination
The terms and conditions of the employment contract cannot be less favorable than what is stipulated in the Employment Act.
工资,奖金和福利 - 法定和常规做法
Employee benefits are often called fringe benefits or perks. There are various types of compensations provided to employees in addition to their normal salaries. Employee benefits in Singapore might include sick leave, annual leave, maternity leave, incentives & bonuses, relocation assistance; healthcare benefits, retirement fund contributions, housing allowance, allowance for children’s education, childcare benefits, transportation reimbursements, etc.
Salary & Bonus
常见做法:The salary paid to an employee obviously depends on the position and skills required. Annual bonus equivalent to at least 1 month’s salary, commonly known as 13th month payment, has become a common practice in Singapore. The exact amount of annual bonus can vary from employee to employee as per the company policies and will normally be tied to the employee’s performance as well as performance of the company. The details of the annual bonus policy will normally be specified in the employment contract. It is not uncommon to see employees in Singapore receiving annual bonuses of 2-3 times the monthly salary during good economic times.
Hours of Work & Overtime
法定要求:工作时间和加班在新加坡就业机构下监管仅适用于员工2,000 /月低于SGD的雇员。根据上述就业行为所涵盖的员工有权每周工作不超过44小时。新加坡人力部有关于加班工作时间和条件的严格规律。员工有权在每天工作不超过8小时,或每周44小时工作。就业法案也认为,员工无法在未经休息的情况下工作超过6小时。包容性加班工作,除了某些情况下,员工每天不能工作超过12小时,包括但不限于实际或威胁的事故,对国防或安全至关重要的工作,或导致工作中断的不可预见的情况。另一方面,移位工人在任何情况下都不允许每天超过12小时。员工每周有权获得1个休息日(从午夜到午夜的非工作日),并且不被视为有偿日。2休息日之间最长的间隔是12天。
常见做法:For employees earning above SGD 2,000/month, the above conditions of the Employment Act do no apply and it is free to be determined by agreement between the employee and the employer. As a general rule in Singapore, office employees work from Monday through Friday, from 9am to 6pm or 7pm, depending on the industry and company policies. It is not uncommon for Singapore employees to work 9-10 hours during the weekdays and half-day on Saturdays.
Public Holidays
考虑到新加坡的多元文化多样性,公众假期旨在容纳许多不同的民族社区。这些包括新年,春节,古老的星期五,劳动节,vesak日,国庆日,hari raya puasa,deepavali,hari raya haji和圣诞节。
法定要求:For employees earning less than SGD 2,000/month, the following minimum rules are mandated under the Employment Act. The employee is entitled to paid holiday on public holidays, although the specific dates may be substituted by any other day, if this is mutually agreed by the employer and employee. In the event that there is a public holiday that falls on a Sunday, or rest day, the following Monday shall be considered the paid holiday. Additionally, if the public holiday falls on a day when the employee is not contractually required to work, he/she shall be compensated, either with an extra day’s pay or by an extra day off as a substitute.
常见做法:For employees earning above SGD 2,000/month, the Employment Act does not enforce any rules regarding public holidays. However, as a common practice in Singapore, all employees are given the same public holidays benefit as above.
Annual Leave
法定要求:对于员工赚取不到SGD的2,000 /月,就业法案概述了法定年假。要获得年假的资格,员工必须至少为雇主提供3个月。年假的金额依赖于雇员和雇主之间的合同协议,但在第一年最低7天,每次服务年份的额外一天都要额外一天。除非就业合同中另有说明,否则甚至在半工作日也被认为是1天的休假。In the case of dismissal for misconduct, absenteeism from work without permission for more than 20% of working days in the month, or if the leave is not used up within 12 months of every year of continuous service, the employee’s annual leave will be forfeited, unless otherwise specified in the employment agreement.
Sick Leave
法定要求:对于员工的员工持续低于SGD 2,000 /月,雇用法定病假权利如下所示。
- If the employee has worked for at least 6 months for the company: The employee is entitled to 14 days of sick leave per year, and 60 days of hospitalization leave (inclusive of the 14 days).
- 如果员工工作至少5个月但是本公司少于6个月:员工有权每年有11天的病假,45天的住院病假(包括11天)。
- 如果员工工作至少4个月但是本公司的少于5个月:员工每年有权享受8天的病假,以及30天的住院病假(包括8天)。
- If the employee has worked for at least 3 months but less than 4 months for the company: The employee is entitled to 5 days of sick leave per year, and 15 days of hospitalization leave (inclusive of the 5 days).
The employee must produce a medical certificate from the company doctor (if one is appointed), government doctor, or doctor from an approved hospital.
常见做法:Sick leave benefits for all company employees in Singapore generally correspond to the minimum requirements of the Employment Act as above.
法定要求:在就业法案下,没有法定要求向新加坡的员工提供私人健康保险福利。作为新加坡公民或永久居民的工作专业人士自动提供叫做Medishield的低成本医疗保险 - 为所有新加坡人提供保险保护的基本一层。作为对员工退休基金的贡献的一部分,称为CPF,某部分贡献将自动分配给雇主的Medisave帐户。Medishield保险计划有助于Medisave账户持有人及其家属符合养老期间或严重疾病的治疗费用。Medishield Premiums从Medisave账户中扣除。
常见做法:谈到医疗保险福利时,它真的取决于雇主。在新加坡,大多数大公司向员工提供额外的私人医疗保险福利;并相反,较小的公司不提供此类利益。To provide a higher level of healthcare benefits than what is provided under the basic Medshield scheme, as well as to provide medical insurance benefits to Employment Pass holders (i.e. foreign employees), employers may wish to offer private healthcare insurance benefits through any one of the numerous private insurance companies in Singapore.
Maternity and Childcare Leave
Common Practice作为一个常见的做法,员工被要求提供3-6个月的试用期。缓刑期通常反映在更短的终止通知期。
Employment Termination
法定要求:Either party can terminate the employment contract by giving a written notice or by paying salary in lieu of notice to the other party. There is no statutory requirement on the number of days for the notice period. The notice period depends on what is agreed upon in the employment contract and must be the same for both parties. The employee is allowed to use any accrued annual leave to offset the notice period. The employment contract can be terminated by either party without notice if the other party is in willful breach of the contract.
常见做法:It is common practice to provide 2 weeks’ notice period during the probationary period, and 1 month’s notice period following the confirmation of employment. Although the Employment Act provides that both sides may give salary in lieu of notice, the Singapore courts have held the view that the employee can not terminate the contract by giving his salary in lieu of notice, because of the practical difficulties faced by the employer in such a situation.
法定要求:As per the Singapore Employment Act, the following general rules apply for employee earning less than SGD 2,000/month:
- The company shall pay all salaries and benefits due to the employees on their last day of work.
- The duration of notice shall be as per the employment contract.
- 在公司至少雇用3年的员工应支付一些裁员福利。就业法案并未规定这种福利的性质或数量,并将其留给员工和雇主之间的相互协议。在公司工作不到3年的雇员无权根据“就业法”下的裁判救济。
常见做法:As a common practice, retrenchment benefits in Singapore depends on the size and financial position of the company. A small company might not be able to offer anything beyond what is required as per the statutory requirements listed above. To avoid any conflicts and confusion, it is best to stipulate the specifics of retrenchment benefits in the employment contract.
Central Provident Fund (CPF) Contributions
法定要求:新加坡公民或层压员工nent Residents, the employer is required to make contributions to the CPF fund. Monthly contributions are made by both the employee and employer. The employer is responsible for sending the monthly payment, which includes both the employer’s and the employee’s respective contributions, by the 14th of the following month. The employee’s portion is then deducted from the salary. The maximum CPF contribution rate for employer and employee is 16% and 20% respectively and can be lower depending on certain factors such as employee age, permanent resident status, etc. There is no CPF contribution for foreign employees holding an Employment Pass or Work Permit in Singapore.
Most companies in Singapore provide certain non-statutory benefits to their employees, ensuring that their workforce is well looked after. Some of the common benefits provided include:
医疗保健,健康和个人福利- 许多新加坡公司提供延伸到家属的医疗保险计划,通常涵盖个人意外和住院。
Per Diem- 对于旅行相关的工作,许多公司在旅行时提供每日津贴,运输津贴或实际费用的报销。每个迪姆金额取决于员工行驶的地方。
搬迁包- 大多数公司为必须与家人从其本国到新加坡一起搬家的员工提供搬迁津贴。外籍人士补偿套餐通常包括:支付个人效应,有支付的空运票价,免费或补贴住房,支付公用事业账单,支付儿童支付和儿童支付学费。有些员工符合“全面”条款,一些关于“半外籍人”条款和其他“全部本地”条款的条款。在他们找到合适的住宿之前,它是一个常见的做法,以便在公司支付的服务公寓或酒店支付一定的持续时间。
Employee stock purchase plans– Some companies provide employee stock purchase plans, especially to senior employees.
其他额外的特权– Other perks may include: paid corporate memberships, sponsoring employee training programs and educational courses, providing restaurant discount vouchers, mobile phone plans, paid gym/club memberships, organize sporting activities, team parties and outings, staff referral schemes, sabbaticals etc.
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