Assistance Schemes to Improve Staff Work-Life Balance
Human resource is the most valuable asset of any business and most successful companies are driven by hard-working employees. Given today’s increasingly competitive and stressful business environment, managing and retaining employees has become a top priority for most human resource professionals and small business owners. Employees are being encouraged to strike a healthy work-life balance and Singapore is one country where the government actively urges employers to promote work-life strategies at the workplace. To this effect, the Ministry of Manpower has launched specialised funds that Singapore companies can tap into in order to develop and implement work-life strategies.
安永会计师署发布的2011年调查显示,工作生活平衡在新加坡110名员工中的工作场所的动机之后排名前。然而,由于全球招聘和人力资源服务提供商,Randstad旨在展示新加坡的大多数员工,由于技术广泛使用,新加坡争取争取工作生活平衡。2010年招聘公司的单独调查宿舍确认了新加坡人认为工作 - 生活平衡是可取的,但灵活的雇主是关键。显然,工作生活策略是在新加坡的新生阶段。为了解决这一差距,新加坡当局推出了两个关键资助计划 - 哇!基金和Flexi-Works!基金 - 鼓励公司在其工作场所实施工作生活策略工作 - 生活作品!基金
What is the Work-Life Works! (WoW!) Fund?
- Private-sector, non-profit and public-sector organisations are eligible to apply for the grant.
- 请注意,作为组的一部分运营的公司的子公司只能作为一个团体申请,而不是单个组织。
- 本组织必须提供证据表明它在其卷中至少有五名已付费员工。
- Only the following expenditures are covered by the fund:
- 下雨的人力资源管理人员和线监事会产生的成本,以促进或实施工作 - 生活策略:所有项目领导人必须强制参加妈妈批准的工作生活培训课程,而人力资源人员,线路经理和受影响的工作人员是可选的。
- 它的成本或物理基础设施,促进了灵活的工作安排的发展。
- 支持所选员工支持方案的基础设施和计划的成本;哺乳或家庭房。
- 从事妈妈批准的合格工作顾问的费用可以为工作生活问题提供指导。请注意,指定顾问并非强制性。
- 哇!基金未涵盖以下类型的支出:
- Costs incurred on purchasing software for day to day business operations such as inventory, HR , or accounting software;
- 经常性成本,如维护IT设备;
- 雇用人力产生的费用;
- 去ods and Services Tax;
- 与其他融资方案更好的项目,如工作场所健康和健身;
- 促进个人福祉的计划,例如健身房或俱乐部会员或项目,这些项目不适合家庭日或晚餐和舞蹈等公共资金。
- 为了申请哇!基金,公司必须首先委任项目领导者和工作生活项目的工作型冠军。项目领导者是将负责实施该项目并代表本公司与妈妈联络的主要人员。工作生活冠军应该是一名高级管理人员,并负责项目的成功和补助金。工作生活冠军也可以作为项目领导者。
- 一旦被任命了项目领导者和工作冠军,他们必须迫使才能参加哇!在继续申请哇之前由妈妈进行的资金简报会!基金。
- The project leader is also required to attend a work-life training program either on approval of the fund or even before the company can apply for the fund.
- 任何与工作博战策略相关的项目必须在资金批准之日起一年内完成。
- 在除了项目领导者的工作培训计划外,必须在遇到与工作生活项目相关的任何支出之前寻求妈妈的批准。
- 请注意,项目提案的批准不等同于报销,只有在成功取得项目结果目标时才会取得报销。
- 在进行妇女之前,必须从妈妈获得原则批准,并在进行实施工作寿命项目的费用。
Wow! Fund Application Procedure
- The application procedure involves submitting an application form, a copy of the company’s business profile obtained from ACRA, and quotation of items or services requested (if any).
- 应用程序可以通过电子邮件向MOM发送相同的方式在线提交。
- Successful applicants will receive an in-principle approval while incomplete applications will be rejected. Since every application is reviewed in relation to other applications it is possible for a complete application that meets all the criteria to be rejected. Hence, it is important for the application to demonstrate a sound work-life intention, which guarantees that the company will be able to undertake the work-life project.
- Once the in-principle approval is obtained the company can go ahead and implement the work-life project. However, it must be noted that approval does not guarantee reimbursement, which is subject to the achievement of outcome targets.
- 该项目必须在批准日期后一年内实施。请注意,必须根据申请中已列出的内容实施项目。实施项目的任何变化或改变需要事先从妈妈书面批准。
- 妈妈的报销将仅在实现结果目标和提交完整索赔时进行。如果现金流是一项考虑,可以分两个阶段寻求报销 - 当公司达到了A款的结果目标时,可以获得报销10,000美元的偿还Common Tranche项目完成后,第二次报销10,000澳元,并达到下列人员上市的目标增强的层. The reimbursement is subject to the MOM’s approval of the final project report, proof of payment and successful audit. MOM can choose to reduce the grant reimbursement if there are downward variations in actual expenditure for which the grant was based or if the MOM is not convinced of the successful implementation of the work-life project.
- MOM also reserves the right to audit successful applicants at any point in time during the two years after completion of the project to ensure that the grant is used appropriately. Hence, it is important that applicants retain documentary proof related to the project for at least three years.
- Tranche 1:在Tranche 1下,公司可以宣称,为引入灵活的工作安排,提出了10,000澳元。这是a)本公司向妈妈批准的工作培训提供人力资源工作人员;b)包括作为人力资源政策的一部分的灵活工作安排;c)将这项政策传达给所有员工。赠款金额将基于80%的实际费用,每家公司10,000澳元。请注意,公司只能申请报销费用。由于这种批评与魔兽世界的第一个批评相同!基金(即以上常见的普通批评),公司只能在哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇基金或Flexi-Works!基金。
- Tranche 2:在Tranche 2的公司下,可以宣称,兼职招聘工作人员或灵活的工作安排。这是符合a)履行Tranche 1的要求;b)招聘当地工人,其中60%的人应该失业至少3个月,谁都是30岁及以上的人。赠款金额将基于:
- 兼职或灵活的工作安排招募的工作人员数量至少两个月乘以1,500美元;或者
- 80% of the declared project costs, whichever is lower, subject to a cap of S$90,000 per company.
The Flexi-Works! Fund is an initiative by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), in partnership with the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF). Interested companies can apply for the fund by contacting the NTUC or SNEF.
Adopting work-life strategies is a win-win situation for both organisations and employees. Moreover, work-life balance programs tend to have a positive effect not only at the micro-level but also at the macro-level, benefiting the economy as a whole. What distinguishes Singapore from other economies is the quality of its workforce. It has therefore become increasingly important to implement work-life strategies across all business sectors especially among SMEs as they comprise of individual small sized workforce's that operate in a highly competitive market. By introducing funding schemes such as the WoW! Fund and Flexi-Works! Fund the Singapore government ensures that companies and employees reap the maximum benefits of adopting work-life balance programs.