Singapore’s reputation as a thriving regional business hub draws many professionals – and their families - from all over the world to its shores. In December 2017, Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) reported that as many as187,700 foreign professionals were working in Singapore在就业通行证(EP)下。
Singapore work visas such as theEmployment Pass那EntrePassandPersonalised Employment Passoffer its holders flexibility and freedom to work in Singapore.
公布为新加坡工作签证持有人的家庭成员,即Dependant’s Pass(DP)和长期访问通行证(LTVP),提供灵活的生活,上学,在新加坡自由旅行。然而,这两次通行证的灵活性不会延伸到在新加坡的工作。
If you’re a DP or LTVP holder and would like to legally work in Singapore, here are two options that you may consider:
Option 1: Apply for a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC)
您将选择在申请期间申请Ploc,或者在LTVP / LTVP +与ICA续订。Ploc保持有效的持续时间与您的LTVP / LTVP +相同。也就是说,如果您的LTVP / LTVP +到期或被取消,则PLOC也将停止有效。
However, in the event that you are not eligible for a PLOC and you still wish to work in Singapore, the next option would be to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) through your prospective employer.
You are eligible for a PLOC if you have the following:
- 要么:
- Spouse or unmarried child of a Singapore citizen or permanent resident
- 已通过LTVP / LTVP +与移民和检查点管理局(ICA)发布bob网赌
Apply for a PLOC if you:
- Want the flexibility to find work in Singapore at your own schedule
Option 2: Obtain a Letter of Consent (LOC)
Issued by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the Letter of Consent (LOC) is a document that entitles its holder the legal right to work under a Singapore-registered company.
There are no quotas on the number of employees a Singapore company can hire under LOCs, which makes LOC holders an attractive employment prospect to Singapore employers.
You are eligible for an LOC if you have the following:
- 要么:
- 与就业通行证持有人,引物或个性化的就业通行证(PEP)持有人绑定的DP,该持有人在申请之日起至少3个月有效
- 与新加坡公民或永久居民(PR)相关的LTV,至少3个月
- A confirmed job offer from a Singapore employer
LOC applications take up to 3 weeks to process in most cases, and successful applicants may start work upon receiving their LOCs. The duration of an LOC is tied to the duration of your DP or LTVP.
Additional documents may be required for DP and LTVP holders who are:
- 海外公司的区域代表
- Healthcare professionals (dentists, doctors, nurses)
- 足球运动员和教练
- 律师
- Pharmacists and therapists (occupational, physio, radiation, speech)
- 中医从业者
- Have obtained a job offer and would like to start work in Singapore as soon as possible
- 没有持有期限角色,或作为您工作公司的股东担任股东
- 想要在新加坡工作,没有最低的薪资要求,以及额外的资格(除了新加坡雇主直接要求的资格)
Option 3: Obtain an Employment Pass (EP)
An Employment Pass offers more flexibility, including the ability to hold directorial roles in a Singapore-registered company.
However, it is important to note thatthere are more stringent requirementsDP或LTVP持有人需要满足,以便成功获得EP。他们必须:
- 每月绘制3,600美元的最低工资。此速度通常适用于新毕业生,专业人士拥有更高的薪水,具有更多经验。
- Possess relevant professional experience
- Possess a tertiary degree from a reputable university. Strong professional experience with high salaries may compensate for a lack of formal education
- 一个EP申请表8那duly endorsed by the employing Singapore company
- A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates
- 护照的个人详情页面副本
- A copy of the business profile of the employing Singapore company
- 您的工作职责的详细描述
- 的详细描述和/或公关活动oducts of the employing Singapore company
大多数EP应用程序在3-5周内处理。但是,金融服务,医疗服务,法律,媒体和体育等专业行业的专业人士的EP应用可能需要更长的时间来处理,因为新加坡监管协会需要额外的权限,管理这些职业的授予EPS。新的EPS最多可授予2年,并可再生。点击herefor more information about the Employment Pass.
It can also be a challenge to put together the right documents to apply for an EP, that is why when you engage a qualified公司服务提供商,它可以帮助使整个过程更加容易。
Apply for an EP if you:
- 想要在您的职业生涯中更具灵活性,包括选择超越您家庭成员工作签证的有效性
- Hold a directorial role, or want to start your own company