Singapore Dependant's Pass Scheme


What is a Dependant’s Pass?

A Singapore Dependant’s Pass (DP) is a relocation visa issued to selected family members of Employment Pass, S Pass holders, EntrePass holders or Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) holders.

Dependant’s Passes are valid as long as the holder of the main Singapore work visa is actively working in Singapore. DP pass holders can live, enter and leave Singapore freely without having to apply for separate Singapore entry visas.


Spouses and unmarried children under 21 years old (both birth and legally adopted children) of Employment Pass, S Pass, EntrePass or PEP holders who are earning at least S$6,000 a month can apply for a Dependant’s Pass.

If the baby of a Singapore work visa holder is born in Singapore, the hospital will give you a Notification of Live Birth and Advisory Note from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). These documents can be used to register for a birth certificate. It also acts as a Special Pass to allow the newborn to stay in Singapore for 6 weeks. During this time, you should apply for a passport for your baby from your embassy or high commission.

Common law spouse of Singapore work visa holders are not eligible for a Dependant’s Pass. However, subject to certain conditions, they are usually eligible for a Long-Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP).


  • 完整的受抚养人的通过申请表
  • A copy of the personal particulars page of your /your child’s passport
  • A copy of the official marriage, birth or adoption certificates as proof of relationship
  • Educational details, if any
  • School enrollment details in an educational institute in Singapore, if any
  • 最近就业的薪资细节,如果有的话


How do I apply for a Dependant’s Pass, and how long does the process take?

Dependant’s Pass applications can be submitted either online (for dependants of Employment Pass and S Pass holders) or manually (for dependents of EntrePass, Personalised Employment Pass and Employment Pass (sponsorship) holders). DP applications must be applied by the employer of the Singapore work visa holder and filed separately for each eligible family member.

DP applications are usually processed between 3-5 weeks. If the DP application was submitted together with the Singapore work visa application, the outcome will be most likely known at the same time.



You will need to present the following documents when you collect your Dependant’s Pass:
  • 您收到的IPA字母
  • 您/您孩子的护照
  • 在IPA信中要求的任何其他文件,如医疗测试报告,登录/下船卡等。

How do I renew my Dependant’s Pass?

When the work pass of the Singapore work visa holder is due for renewal, MOM will send Dependant’s Pass renewal forms to the his/her employer, where they can be renewed simultaneously.

I’m a Dependant’s Pass holder. Can I study or work in Singapore?


Your LOC will expire at the same time as your Dependant’s Pass. Therefore, you should renew the LOC whenever your DP is renewed and issued.


Can Dependant’s Pass holders apply for permanent residence?

Yes, Dependant’s Pass Holders can apply for permanent residence (PR) in Singapore together with the Singapore work visa holder. If the Singapore work visa holder’s PR application is approved, the PR application of the DP holder will be approved as well.


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