Hiring foreigners in Singapore is becoming more difficult. Here's why.


新加坡在2017年的工作签证的外国人数量最大的下降。该下降32,000was 10 times more than 2016’s decline of 2,500.

新加坡雄心勃勃的经济增长目标受到唯一自然资源的萎缩 - 其人民的萎缩。岛屿国家的生育率衰退 - 目前在a七年低于1.16– has been cited as the main reason to bring in foreign talent and supplement the local resident workforce.

However, the政治和社会影响of a relatively open immigration policy from more than 10 years ago has been highlighted of late as the government continues to adjust its policies in order to balance talent shortage in high-growth sectors and employment opportunities for its citizens.

Whats in this article

  1. Fair Consideration Framework
  2. Tighter ruling in 2018
  3. 受活力影响的家属
  4. 不会消失的问题

Fair Consideration Framework

Work签证批准已受到2014年发布公平考虑框架(FCF)以来的影响,这是一份招聘要求,以确保当地劳动力访问更多job opportunities.

According to India’s business daily, NDTV, local IT industry body NASSCOM has seen the number of Indian professionals in Singapore’s tech sector shrink to under 10,000 with work visas not being renewed upon expiry. As a result, India’s tech companies are finding it hard to维护他们的员工基础, let alone increase hiring in Singapore.

最近, the FCF has further tightened approval requirements for foreign Employment Pass applications so that employers consider Singaporeans for job vacancies ahead of foreigners.

Tighter ruling in 2018

从2018年7月1日开始,寻求聘请外国雇员就业雇员的公司通过固定月薪低于S $ 15,000的职位必须广告该职位National Jobs Bank portalfor at least 14 days. This applies to all companies with 10 or more full-time employees.

这是从S $ 12,000和最低员工大小的最低薪水增加到25美元的增加,最终增加了这一要求的公司数量。在2014年7月推出的工作门户专门为新加坡公民和永久居民提供。

In addition, the minimum qualifying salary for an S-Pass has increased to S$2,300 from 1 January 2019 and $2,400 from 1 January, 2020. The S-Pass is meant for mid-skilled employees such as technicians and supervisors.

Existing S-Pass holders whose passes expire:

  • 2019年1月1日之前,将根据现有标准收到一度续期长达两年的一次性续期
  • Between 1 January and 30 June 2019 will receive a one-time renewal of on year based on the existing criteria
  • 2019年7月1日或之后将不得不遵守新标准

The FCF watchlist, launched in 2016, monitors companies with non-compliant hiring practices and hasadded 500 companies为了不公平地偏爱外国人。这些公司的就业通行证申请被人力部被拒绝,退缩或扣留。

However, thetalent shortage in fast-growing tech sectorssuch as data analytics, programming, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity is shackling growth plans of companies affected. They have had to outsource or set up overseas teams while maintaining headquarters in Singapore or forego the opportunity to grow.

UPDATE: From 1st May 2020 onwards, the minimum salary for foreign professionals to qualify for an Employment Pass (EP) will be raised to $3,900 per month, up from$3,600

来源:Strait times



Find out more about Singapore’s Dependent Pass Schemes here

The problem that just won’t go away



One labour-intensive sector targeted is the manufacturing industry, which accounts for a fifth of Singapore’s GDP and more than 400,000 jobs. Armed with an industry transformation map, the government has laid out a plan to drive the adoption and innovation of advanced manufacturing technologies such as robotics and digital manufacturing to reduce reliance on manpower.

Similarly, the drive to prioritise productivity and innovation in the construction sector has also seen adecline in construction work visasfrom a 3.2% growth in 2012-2014 to an 8% decline from 2014-2017.


So far, the measures have seen an improvement in local employment figures which means that the policies have started to take effect.

The latest陈述by the Ministry of Manpower indicated that local employment has doubled its growth in 2017 compared to 2016 while median monthly income of full-time employed Singaporeans increased by 4.9% over the year to June 2017 compared to 0.7% in the previous year.

While Singapore continues try and offer fair employment for its citizens, it is not completely restricting foreign hire but rather trying to manage this with a more prudentapproachbased on industry and requirements.

Reaching out to ASEAN to diversify hiring opportunities

As Singapore is strategically located, companies can diversify their hiring to other neighbouring ASEAN countries. Watch our freewebinar-


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