Doing Business - Singapore vs New Zealand


This article is a comparative analysis of conducting business in New Zealand vis-à-vis Singapore and evaluates the various parameters involved in the selection of a country. Singapore is a highly developed economy and enjoys an open and corrupt-free environment. Some of the impressive features of the economy include stable prices and a per capita GDP higher than that of most developed countries. In the long term, the government plans to implement a new growth path that focuses on raising productivity that will ultimately help establish Singapore as Southeast Asia’s financial and high-tech hub. The country is one of the world’s leading business centers and a major destination for foreign investment. It is backed by sound monetary stability; a stable legal and regulatory framework; a transparent and efficient government; and good anti-corruption laws.

新泽aland has transformed from an agrarian economy to an industrialized economy. This dynamic growth has boosted its income and broadened the technological capabilities of its industrial sector. The economy fell into recession before the start of the global financial crisis and although the government developed fiscal stimulus measures, its key trade sectors remain vulnerable to external demands.

The results of the comparative analysis of international rankings reveal the following significant differences between Singapore and New Zealand.


  • 世界银行将新加坡排名第一是世界上最简单的业务的地方'2015年易于做业务报告'虽然新西兰被授予第二点。新加坡连续9年举行了#1职位,证明其竞争优势作为商业型司法管辖区。其中一个示例性特征Singapore company incorporation是它涉及两个可以在24小时的记录时间线内在线完成的程序。Despite New Zealand’s high position in the rankings, it is interesting to note that it lagged behind Singapore significantly in areas such as taxes (Singapore #5; New Zealand #22) and trading across borders (Singapore #1; New Zealand #27) that matter most to businesses.
  • The Forbes’'2014年的商业国家also points to a differential gap between both the countries in terms of trade freedom, innovation, technology, and taxes. Singapore presented impressive results in its high degree of trade freedom (#1), light tax burden (#5), high degree of innovation (#9), and adoption of technology (#7. By contrast, New Zealand ranked #38 in terms of trade freedom, #23 with regards to innovation, #21 in terms of tax burden and #23 for technology.


  • The'2011年税收调查'由普华永道,国际金融银行发布,世界银行揭示新加坡是世界上第四个在新西兰在第26位的税收中获得税收的最简单的地方。
  • 新加坡的#11排名在福布斯'2009年税收和改革指数'indicates that its tax burden is lower as compared to New Zealand’s #13 rank.
  • According to a study conducted bykpmg.去年,Singapore’s corporate tax rateof 17% is the third lowest among Asia-Pacific countries. By contrast, New Zealand’s corporate tax rate is 30%. Despite the revised rate of 28%, which is to come into effect in 2012, New Zealand’s tax burden on companies will still remain significantly higher than Singapore. Furthermore, New Zealand’s GST rate of 15% is more than double the rate of Singapore’s GST that currently stands at 7%.
  • The contrast in the taxation policy of both the countries is also evident in the World Bank’s ‘2015 Ease of Doing Business Report’ where Singapore scores #5 for taxes while New Zealand ranks #22.


  • Given that intellectual property is a revenue generating asset, IP protection has become an important factor for businesses. Singapore has positioned itself as a regional IP hub and has put in place practical and effective enforcement norms. Singapore ranks #2 for IP protection in the World Economic Forum’s'2014-2015全球竞争力报告'虽然新西兰落后于第六点。


  • According to the World Economic Forum’s'2014-2015全球竞争力报告'新加坡是第二竞争经济among 144 economies while New Zealand’s competitiveness rank is #17. Inadequate supply of infrastructure, lack of access to financing, high tax rates, inefficient government bureaucracy, restrictive labor regulations, and political instability are cited as some of the problematic factors for doing business in New Zealand. By contrast, Singapore scores highly on account of its institutions, lack of corruption, goods and labor market efficiency, infrastructure, and financial market sophistication.
  • 遗产基金会的'2015年经济自由指数'当新西兰是第三个最自由的时,新加坡作为178个经济体中的第二个最自由国家。新加坡评分高度评为这种贸易自由,投资自由,商业自由,腐败,劳动自由和产权自由的因素。新加坡和新西兰之间最值得的区别在财政自由领域。由于其简单和低税制,新加坡评分91.2点,而新西兰税率高70.4分。
  • 新加坡在IMD中的顶级插槽中的经济功能‘2010 World Competitiveness Scoreboard’虽然NZ排名第一。


  • According to the‘2010 Global Enabling Trade Report’, Singapore is the #1 economy in terms of openness to trade while New Zealand reigns in the sixth spot. Singapore ranks #1 owing to its open trade policy, low trade barriers, low tariff structure, excellent border administration, top-notch infrastructure, logistics efficiency, and affordability of shipments. New Zealand underperformed in certain areas such as the fees, number of documents, and time associated with exporting and importing goods as well as the availability and quality of its transport infrastructure. New Zealand ranks #37 for domestic and foreign market access while Singapore ranks # 1. New Zealand’s border administration score is #5 while Singapore scores #1. In terms of transport and communication infrastructure and business environment New Zealand is #26 and #11 while Singapore is #7 and #2.


  • 新加坡和新西兰在第一点作为世界上最不腐败的国家,根据透明度国际的腐败国家‘2010 Corruptions Perceptions Index’
  • Singapore ranks #1 as the most transparent country in the world in IMD’s‘2010 World Competitiveness Report’虽然新西兰排名第8。
  • 根据WEF的'2014-2015全球竞争力报告'Singapore scores #1 for public trust of politicians and #2 for burden of government regulation while New Zealand scores #6 and #17 on the same parameters.


  • 根据AON咨询的说法‘2010 People Risk Index‘, Singapore ranks #3 in terms of risk associated with recruitment, employment, and relocation of employees while Auckland (New Zealand) ranks #36.
  • Singapore ranks #1 in BERI’s‘Labor Force Evaluation Measure‘虽然新西兰在前15名经济体中没有特征。
  • Singapore has the seventh-most motivated workforce in the world according to IMD’s'2010年世界竞争力年鉴'
  • 2010年insbusiness school survey shows that Singapore has the sixth-best highly skilled workforce in the world.


  • 新加坡在汇丰银行的外国人生活经历中排名第一‘2010 Expat Experience Report’
  • Singapore is the world’s most favored immigration destination according to Gallup’s‘2010 Potential Net Migration Index’
  • 根据ECA International的说法‘2010 Location Ratings System’新加坡是世界上最好的位置,而惠灵顿是最佳的亚洲人。“Singapore’s high quality infrastructure and health facilities, combined with low health risks, air pollution, crime rates and a cosmopolitan population help make the city an easy place for Asian assignees to live in,” explains Lee Quane, Regional Director, Asia, ECA International.
  • 根据IMD,新加坡被评为外国天赋在亚洲工作的最佳国家'2010年世界竞争力年鉴'
  • According to HSBC’s‘2010 Expat Economics Report‘, Singapore ranks #4 in the world for expats’ financial quality of life.


Year Category Singapore’s Rank 新泽aland’s Rank Source
2015年 Ease of Doing Business 1 2 World Bank, 2015 Ease of Doing Business Report
2015年 World’s Freest Economy 2 3 Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom
2014-2015 World’s Most Competitive Economy 2 17 World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report
2011年 Ease of Paying Taxes 4 26 PWC,IFC,世界银行2011年税收调查
2010年 国家最开放的交易 1 6 世界经济论坛,全球贸易报告
2010年 World’s Most Competitive Economy 1 20 IMD,世界竞争力年鉴
2010年 世界上最透明的国家 1 8 IMD的世界竞争力报告
2010年 世界上最好的知识产权保护 3 7 World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report
2010年 世界上最好的劳动力 1 柏里的劳动力评估措施
2010年 世界上雇用和迁移员工的最低风险城市 3 36
2010年 Best Place for Asians to Live 1 10


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