Singapore, the top choice of American billionaires
据Jim Rogers说:“如果你在1807年聪明,你搬到了伦敦,如果你在1907年聪明,你搬到了纽约市,如果你在2007年迈进亚洲......新加坡40年前是一个沼泽半百万人。新加坡现在,40年后,是世界上任何国家的最大外币储备的国家......这是世界上最好的教育,是世界上最好的医疗保健。这是令人惊讶的是来新加坡,看到一切都有效......美国环己湾将成为东南亚的金融中心,可能是亚洲,也可能是世界顶级金融中心之一。“
Eduardo Saverin也喜欢新加坡,但出于不同的原因。他向新加坡解释了他的2009年,他讲了一份当地报纸:“我从樟宜机场走出来,被树木的震惊,看到了新加坡的干净和绿色。然后我发现了各种企业家计划和可用于初创企业的政府资金清单。我决定我必须住在这里。“
如果您正在考虑遵循Jim Rogers和Eduardo Saverin在新加坡搬迁时,这里有更多信息,可以帮助您提出明智的选择:
One of the lowest taxes in Asia
Taxes in Singapore are not only lower than the US, they are also one of the lowest in Asia. This is despite Singapore being one of the most developed countries in Asia. You could well end up with not only a higher after-tax income in Singapore, but also a higher standard of living as compared to some countries.易于做生意
新加坡是顶级目的地的另一个原因是易于做生意。其企业友好的政府通过实施亲商业政策来鼓励经济增长。例如,incorporating in Singaporeonly takes a day. More than the lack of red tape, Singapore is one of the least corrupt countries in the world, with no hidden costs for doing business. In addition, as mentioned by Eduardo Saverin above, the Singapore offers plenty ofassistance and fundingfor start-ups. It is no wonder the World Bank cited Singapore as the world’s easiest place to do business in its “Doing Business 2011” report. This is on top of the world’s second most competitive country accolade accorded by the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 2012.丰富的市场机会
Singapore has a Free Trade Agreement with the United States, which is helpful if you want to continue to sell to your home market. Many opportunities in trading are further available, given that Singapore is a major trading hub that imports and exports all kinds of products from consumer goods to high technology and industrial goods for re-export to third countries. In addition, the Singapore government and private industry are expected to invest in several major projects over the next few years, including:
- 6亿美元用于在五年内进行20个引流改进项目,以实现更高水平的防洪;
- Construction of US$1 billion LNG terminal that will start operations in mid 2013;
- 建造5.3亿美元的地下储油机构;
- Construction of several public hospitals and medical centers scheduled to be ready by 2014, 2015 and 2018;
- 私立医疗团体将花费超过2.7亿美元的建设,扩大和升级其医疗保健设施;
Construction of new Mass Rapid Transit rail lines costing over US$30 billion that will increase Singapore’s subway network to 278km in 2020
As one of Singapore’s largest export country is the United States, it produces many high tech products for consumption in America. This includes products in a range of industries – electronics, oil and gas equipment, aircraft and parts, pollution control equipment, medical devices, laboratory and scientific instruments, computer hardware and software, telecommunication equipment etc. If you want to continue to sell to the US market, Singapore possesses the expertise you need to produce it. And this is at a lower labour cost as compared to back home.
Eduardo Saverin是一个利用这一优势的人。在他在新加坡的投资中,一个创建iPhone和iPad应用程序的技术初创公司是Anideo。去年,他还投资于Perx,这是一位客户忠诚的移动应用程序,这些移动应用程序已经签署了大型品牌,如职业职位和Dunkin甜甜圈。新加坡是他运作的好基础,因为良好的程序员提供了他可以雇用的程序员来发展他所需要的。
Protecting your high tech or knowledge based business is easy in Singapore. The World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2011 – 2012 ranks Singapore as the country having the best protection of intellectual property. The country is a member of all the top international IP treaties, and businesses can file for global trademark registration from here. This is unlike some countries in Asia, where Intellectual Property rights are neither recognised nor enforced.
When many people think of Singapore, they think of the stringent laws in the country. Chewing gum is banned here (except for medical reasons) and drug offences in the country receive heavy punishment. However, this also means that Singapore is a really clean and safe place to live in, with extremely low crime rates. You can walk around most parts of Singapore at 2am and still feel safe. Needless to say, you will also have no worries about your children getting mixed up in the wrong activities at school.
Unlike the US, the Singapore media is tightly controlled by the government. You may feel there is a lack of freedom of expression compared to your home country. In addition, consensus-building is emphasized in Singapore and you need to “give face” when you network. To thrive here, you need to think before you speak.
此外,随着新加坡是一个小国,这里的房价较高,公寓单位成本高于美国的平均家。考虑到新加坡的高度建立城市生活,您也可能错过自然和开放空间。然而,新加坡通过空气良好连接,前往该地区的山脉,海滩和湖泊的速度很快,容易便宜。像巴厘岛一样的令人惊叹的热点,普吉岛和Kota Kinabalu可以在这里覆盖在这里漫长的周末,让您在亚洲逗留真正难忘的景点。
Jim Rogers和Eduardo Saverin就像这里一样。你也可以对这个国家感到相似。