Setting up a Retail Outlet in Singapore

Retail outlets are shops or stores where business owners sell merchandise directly to consumers. According to the latest retail sales index released by the Singapore Department of Statistics, Singapore’s retail sales excluding automobiles increased 0.3% year-on-year in December 2016.

According to EnterpriseOne, Singapore’s retail sector comprised of 20,300 retailers, 115,500 workers and grossed S$40.7 billion in 2008, the year of the Great Recession.This article provides information on how to setup a retail outlet in Singapore. Kindly note that the information provided here is for general guidance only and is not meant to replace professional advice.

Retail Outlets – Key Facts and Requirements

  • 商业公司注册bob软件:在开始运营之前,必须首先在新加坡公司注册商ACRA注册您的零售店。作为世界上最简单的业务的地方,新加坡公司注册是一个快速简便的过程,只需24小时内可以在​​线完成的两个程序。据说,如果您的零售店提供独特的产品和服务,则最好在新加坡的零售市场上提供独特的产品和服务。
  • 但是,如果你愿意搬迁到新加坡来管理您的业务并通过其新生期间看到它,您将被要求申请新加坡企业家签证首先被称为引物。
  • Approval for Premises:您必须确保您的预期商业前提是零售业务的批准位置。如果您希望在保护楼或私人财产中享受零售店,新加坡(URA)的批准是向场所的补充或改建所必需的。此外,必须获得新加坡民防部队(SCDF)的消防安全证书以验证您的零售店是否满足所有消防安全要求。或者,如果您的出口位于购物中心,房东可能会为您提供必要的批准。

Licenses for Setting Up a Retail Outlet in Singapore

Depending on the nature of the merchandise or products offered by your retail outlet, you may have to to apply for the relevant licenses. If your outlet offers products which can affect human health and safety, relevant licenses may be required.




如果您希望运行一个超市销售和prepares raw and/or cooked foods, you are required to apply for a Supermarket Licence, as mandated by the Environmental Public Health Act. The license ensures that potential business owners adhere to the cleanliness and food safety guidelines and prevent food-borne diseases. The estimated processing time for an online application of this licence is five working days if the following criteria is met:
  • The Applicant is either an:
    • 个人:新加坡或永久居民或
    • Company: that is registered with Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
  • 显示布局,准备面积,厕所,商店的房屋的清晰缩放计划(以公制格式)。您的超市设计必须符合Code of Practice of Environmental Health
  • 如果您是自雇人士,请确保在申请许可之前支付您的Medisave捐款。
  • 如果您想销售烟草产品,您必须申请卫生产品监管集团烟草监管部门的烟草零售许可证。本许可证已发出,具有1年的有效性和费用为每申请400美元。



  • 作为药房注册证书的第一次申请人,公司董事可以通过客户注册和识别服务网站,CRIS @ HSA提名官方公司管理员。要访问系统,则需要Singpass帐户。
  • 必须使用该应用程序提交以下信息:
    • 商店的详细信息和商业登记号码,药房的布局计划,指明分配和一般销售区域,
    • The applicant’s particulars,
    • 药房出口的营业时间和预计开放日期,
    • Details of all sites where the medicinal products are stored; and
    • 药剂师负责人的细节。(s)他必须在新加坡药房委员会注册,并持有“组建毒品牌照”和“COISONS许可证”以出售药品。
  • A pre-approval audit of the pharmacy will be conducted by pharmacy auditors from HSA before the Certificate could be issued.
  • 必须支付500美元的申请费以获得证书。
  • 一旦批准,证书有效期为一年。

Getting a licence to open a Telecomms Store in Singapore


Applying for a Telecommunications Dealer’s (Class) Licence
  • The registration for Dealer’s Class Licence is entity-based. However, you are required to provide Infocommunications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) with the address and telephone number for each premises that you set up to sell the approved telecommunications equipment set out in the First Schedule of the Regulations.
  • 申请人必须是其中之一:
    • 一种business registered under the Business Registration Act (Cap 32) or
    • 一种公司注册或注册于新加坡根据公司法案(第50章)或
    • 根据“有限责任伙伴关系法”注册的有限责任伙伴关系(“LLP”)。
  • 申请费是50澳元,并待处理两个工作日。


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  • The Dealer’s Individual Licence is premises- or outlet-based. This means that every premise selling approved telecommunications equipment requires its own licence
    • 一种business registered under the Business Registration Act (Cap 32) or
    • 根据公司法案(第50章)或公司注册或注册新加坡公司或
    • 根据“有限责任伙伴关系法”注册的有限责任伙伴关系(“LLP”)。
  • 经销商个人许可证的申请费是每次出口250美元,有效期为五年。

Cosmetics and liquor retail are two very popular businesses in Singapore. As they can affect human safety and health, the sale of related items require licences as well.

Getting a licence for Liquor sales in Singapore

  • 任何销售毒害销售的销售或优惠都需要来自酒类许可委员会的酒类许可。
  • 申请人必须首先用ACRA注册公司。对于在社会(ROS)注册的社会(ROS),申请人必须至少是委员会成员。
  • 申请人也必须是
    • 新加坡公民,
    • 新加坡永久居民或
    • possess a FIN issued by Immigration and Customs Authority (ICA).
  • 自营职业人员必须确保他们的Medisave捐款是最新的。
  • The application, if submitted with all supporting documents, will be processed within 12 working days. Processing time begins with effect from the date of receipt of application is to the date of approval or rejection. The applicant will be notified of the outcome via post and SMS or email.
  • 任何不完整或不正确的提交将被拒绝。
  • 零售白酒和啤酒许可证的非现场消费成本为220澳元,曾经有效期为2年。

Selling Cosmetics in Singapore

  • 如果您希望在国内导入和销售化妆品产品,您不需要申请ASEARS化妆品指令的任务。但是,您必须在通过HSA将产品放入市场之前通知健康科学授权(HSA)PRISM现场。
  • 化妆品通知的费用钉在每个产品的风险和变化(颜色等)上。例如,较高的风险化妆品是应用在眼睛,嘴唇,头皮和口头上的那些。另一方面,保湿镜,面霜和皮肤美白产品被认为是较低的风险化妆品。
  • You may only market the product after receiving an acknowledgement of your notification to the HSA. Acknowledgement is an immediate process upon successful submission of the notification.


  • 提供电视或任何接收到零售店的广播信号的设备的非住宅电视许可。
  • Copyright Licence (For Establishment) to playing or performing copyrighted music at your retail outlet.
  • 建立和提供广域私人网络服务的广域私人网络许可,如在非本地化区域内使用随身携带的Talkie服务。


启动零售店或特许经营意味着您可能需要从您所在国家/地区带来董事会员工以监督业务。如果您打算从您所在国家/地区雇用或转移雇员,则需要申请相关的Singapore employment passon their behalf. The Singapore employment pass is however subject to approval by the manpower authority and must meet Singapore’s new productivity vision.

For more details on staff hiring, please refer to新加坡公司招聘指南

On a Final Note

这些是在新加坡开设零售店时初步但主要的合法性。建议聘请专业服务公司,以帮助您设置零售店,并代表您的必要许可证,因为它将帮助您节省时间和资源。请访问我们新加坡公司成立服务服务bob软件page for further details on how Hawksford can assist you in setting up your retail outlet business in Singapore.


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