Cost of Living in Singapore
新加坡的私人公寓与公寓类似,但通常缺乏公寓中的大部分设施,如大型游泳池、烧烤坑、网球场等。由于大多数新的私人建筑都是以公寓的形式进行的,因此这些公寓也往往是较老的建筑。在CBD地区租一套三居室的私人公寓将要支付5000-7000新元的费用,而在郊区的公寓每月可租4000新元左右。HDB Flats
If you are on a tight budget, living in a government housing flat (called HDB flats) is a very reasonable option; more than 80% of the local Singaporeans live in HDB units. Most HDB flats are within close proximity to basic facilities such as banks, local schools, markets, polyclinics, libraries, shopping malls and train and bus stations. However, these apartments do not come with luxury amenities like swimming pools or gyms. Rental costs for HDB units depend on the location and size of the unit. A 3-bedroom HDB apartment close to the CBD rents at S$3,000 while at other sub-urban locations it ranges from S$2,200 to S$2,700.Landed property
地产包括梯田房、半独立房、独立房和平房。由于新加坡的土地面积相对较小,人口众多,有地房产不再常见,因此租金相当昂贵。黄金地段独立平房的平均租金接近18000新元/月。一间高档豪华平房(即4间卧室、1400平方米的土地和一个大花园)每月的费用高达35000新元。梯田式房屋和半独立式房屋价格较低,每月租金约8000-13000新元。Paying Guest
Rent for a room in a private apartment in prime districts such as East Coast, River Valley and Chinatown costs approximately S$800 – S$1,800. Monthly room rental in an HDB flat can range anywhere between S$500 to S$800 depending upon the location and size of the room.Serviced Apartments
Cost of Food
Eating Out
One of the unique features of living in Singapore is the abundance of hawker centres and food courts that offer a wide variety of dishes. An average daily lunch at a hawker centers can be as low as S$4 whereas at a food court you can have lunch for about S$5 – S$6. A meal at fast food joints such as McDonalds will cost you around S$7, while a drink at Starbucks is around S$6 – S$7. A visit to to an average restaurant can set you back by S$20 – S$40 per person for basic meals. In summary, with breakfast and dinner at home, lunch outside at food courts, plus basic weekend outings, the monthly food budget in Singapore can run around S$600 – S$1,000 for an average budget-conscious couple.
Transportation Costs
Public Transportation
Singapore has one of the best, most comprehensive, and least expensive public transport systems in the world. A one-way average bus or MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) fare is about S$1.60. If you combine bus and MRT transports, it will cost you S$150 a month on the average considering a daily to and fro office commute costing S$3.50 and average weekend cost of about S$10. A couple that travels regularly within Singapore, using MRT or bus, will need to set aside a monthly combined transportation budget of roughly S$300 as part of their Singapore living costs.
Taxi service in Singapore is one of the most efficient worldwide. Taxi drivers are willing to cover even the shortest of distances. Unlike most western countries, traveling by taxi in Singapore isn’t very expensive.
Automobile fuel is called petrol (instead of “gas” or “gasoline”) in Singapore. It is measured in liters. A liter of petrol can range from S$2.15 to S$2.52 depending on the grade. Parking your car in the city will cost you from S$2.00 per hour. On the average, you will spend about S$600 a month for petrol, toll charges, and parking, and about S$500 – S$1,000 yearly for maintenance. A brand new Japanese or European model can easily cost upwards of S$150,000.
In the face of such steep prices, many expatriates have opted for car rental arrangements that range from about S$1,000 to S$1,800 a month, depending on the vehicle’s model and mileage. Also, with a fairly recent regulatory amendment, rented vehicles are now permitted to drive into Malaysia on weekends.
Singapore is a very small place with excellent public transportation services (both air-conditioned); therefore, there is absolutely no necessity for owning a car unlike most other countries in the world. However, if your work requires extensive city travel during the day, you might think about buying or renting a car. Owning a private car will add significantly to your average living costs in Singapore.
Cost of Healthcare
The health-care system in Singapore was ranked best in Asia and sixth best in the world by the World Health Organization in 2000. The system is cost effective and offers state-of-the-art medical treatment that boasts of high success rates. The system has stringent government-mandated guidelines for transparency, excellence, safety and cleanliness. However, there is no government mandate for employers to provide health insurance to its employees. As a general practice, health insurance benefits are not provided by majority of the employers in Singapore. If your compensation package includes medical insurance, this is a non-issue for you. Even if your employer does not provide health insurance, the cost of medical services in Singapore is reasonable.
Monthly gas, water and electricity bill may range from a low of S$200 to a high of S$600 a month, depending on your air-conditioning usage. Mobile phone subscription costs anywhere between S$35 to S$100 per month. A broadband Internet connection at home will cost you around S$50 per month. For cable TV connection you can estimate about S$28 for the basic channel subscription and S$50 – S$80 for the expanded subscription. You have a wide choice of international channels including familiar channels such as CNN, BBC, Discovery, HBO, Disney, ESPN, and many more. A deposit of S$250 is required of foreigners for obtaining a cable connection. StarHub’s (the cable company) offering for Digital TV has further improved the choices for programs. The company’s Demand TV offers a choice of 10 movies at any given time for a cost of S$4.50 per movie. You need a digital set-up box from StarHub to use this service.
Cost of Education
Local Government Schools
Cost of Childcare Services
There a number of childcare centers in Singapore that provide childcare services for babies and children up-to to the age of seven years. The fees vary from center to center and depends on the packages being offered i.e half-day childcare, full-day childcare, or extended full-day childcare. Typically, half-day childcare (7am to 1pm) costs around S$400-S$1,200 while full-day childcare (7am to 5:30pm) will cost you about S$500-S$1,500.
Cost of Hiring Domestic Help
Singapore boasts of one of the lowest income tax rates in the world. Singapore’s tax system ensures sizable tax savings and is one of the most commonly cited advantages among expats relocating to the country. Singapore follows a territorial basis of taxation which essentially means that only income earned in Singapore is taxed. Income earned overseas is not taxable, barring certain exceptions.Singapore’s personal income tax ratesfor residents (citizens, permanent residents and foreigners who have stayed or worked in Singapore for 183 days or more in the tax year) start at 0% and are capped at 20% while non-residents (foreigners who have stayed or worked in Singapore for less than 183 days in the tax year) are taxed at a flat rate of 15%. Singapore has also concluded as many as 69 comprehensive tax treaties to provide relief from double taxation of income. Furthermore, there is no capital gains tax, no wealth tax, no estate duty, and no dividend tax in Singapore. You can use our在线税务计算器to compare how you will be taxed in Singapore vis-a-vis your country of residence.
Choices are abound in Singapore. By and large, the cost of living in Singapore is kinder to those who know how to manage their financial resources, and keep a regular paying job. For a couple with one school-age child and one working adult, the following can be a useful rule of thumb guideline: If your take home salary for the family is less than S$4,000 per month, your living standard would be modest and resemble the following:
- Rent an HDB flat
- Use mostly public transportation and occasional taxi
- Send your child to local school
- Mostly home cooking and occasional eating out