Guide to Singapore Work Culture for Newcomers
Working the Singaporean Way
新加坡,东方与西方的融合盆栽豪华壶,有一个由亚洲和西方文化影响的独特组成的工作文化。这些文化主题带来了管理新加坡人在一个地方的方式的不成文的文化规则和法规 - 在这种情况下,你的工作场所。新加坡政府采取的非干预措施方法为文化趋势提供了轻松的环境。位于新加坡的大型西部MNC将往往主要展现出西方的工作文化,而当地政府和私营企业的大部分将对传统亚洲文化对工作环境产生更大的影响。地方企业主要受文化特征的影响:高功率距离,集体主义,高不确定性避免和长期取向。
中国人占新加坡总人口的74.3%,因此,大多数本土企业受到中国传统价值观的显著影响并不少见。然而,当涉及到关系时,这就转化成了一种等级文化,在这种文化中,处于较低层级的人会接受他们的从属地位,并尊重正式的等级权威。人们很少违反命令链或公开质疑上级的决定。On the other hand, MNCs in Singapore have less power distance between each level. Higher managers are usually more willing to share their authorities with subordinates in decision making, and to leave certain latitude for disagreement.
- 尊重雇主和上级。
Rules, Rules, Rules
Joann Meriwether Craig,恰当地描述了新加坡语境的概念,在她的书籍文化休克?新加坡(2001年,修订了ed。)作为“一个人的内部质量,地位,好名字和良好性格的衡量标准”。“面部”在许多亚洲文化中起着特别重要的作用。极度小心,以维持自己的个人和公共诚信感,以及社会互动中他人的完整性。它“涉及整个团体(家庭,学校,邻里,工作场所,城市和该国)”。如果一个人的“脸”丢失 - 那就是,尴尬 - 整个集团的“面孔”丢失,因此群体尴尬而不是个人尴尬。在新加坡语境中,导致某人的“脸”丧失就像是公开羞辱他的。The preserving of “face” is most obvious in hierarchical relationships i.e. children taking care to preserve the “face” of parents, students taking care to preserve the “face” of teachers, and yes, employees taking care to preserve the “face” of superiors and employers.在新加坡,有一个外国雇员,请记住,有一个“留着面子”的外国雇员:
- Do not correct your employer/superior’s mistakes in public.
- 不要质疑您的雇主/高级公开。
- 不要在公共场合与雇主/上级意见相左。
- 不要彻底拒绝雇主/上级。员工可以公开遵守不合理的要求,以令人愉快的“是”,但“是”通常伴随着不合规的迹象(“可能困难......”)。
- 不要对你的雇主/上级公开表示愤怒或对抗。
Working Hours
If overtime is applicable to your job, its one-and-a-half times the basic hourly rate. Pay for time worked on holidays and normal days off is two-and-a-half times the normal rate. If you job is covered under the employment act, an employee cannot be asked to work for more than 12 hours in a day under the Employment Act. Overtime work is limited to 72 hours a month.
虽然它可能是真的,一些新加坡人(易翔ially the younger and more modern ones) may not wholly practise the Singaporean traditional values of group-centredness, respecting hierarchical relationships and preserving “face”, you are strongly advised to learn and understand the behaviuoral patterns of the Chinese, Indians and Malays of Singapore for one reason: the majority of Singaporeans you will be working still preserve traditional values – regardless of how Westernized they may seem.
The traditional values of the Chinese, who make up 75.2% of Singapore’s population, are largely based on respect especially for hierarchical relationships. In respecting the traditional Chinese values, Chinese employees:- Perform introductions in order of seniority – even if the junior has a higher rank than the senior. Be sure to practise this when introducing your team to another in future.
- Do ask your colleagues which names they prefer to be called with, and do also clarify which name you prefer to be called with.
- 避免与异性亲密接触,因此绝对不要握手、亲吻和拥抱马来/穆斯林异性同事。一个微笑就足够了。
- Perform short prayers during office hours. Usually, Muslim workers are allowed to perform their prayers in allocated, private places within the office. These daily prayers normally occur around 1pm and 4pm. On Fridays, male Muslim workers are usually allowed to take longer lunch breaks to observe the congregational prayers at the mosque.
- Avoid consuming non-halal products that is in foods and drinks when in the company of your Muslim colleagues.
Happy Working!
It is important to note the unwritten formalities above (which are neither found in the Singapore Employment Act nor your Employment Contract) when dealing with your Singaporean colleagues and employers to ensure smooth working relations and reduce culture shock. These are just few examples; more will be unveiled upon observing and befriending your Chinese, Malay and Indian colleagues. It has been said that local friends are great cures to any forms of culture shock.
In general, maintain harmony, avoid conflict and confrontation during discussions. Mask any feelings of frustration with a smile. It is important not to allow your host to ‘lose face' (avoid, for example, contradicting your host in public). Concentrate on building rapport, and do not be confrontational or forceful nor disagree in public with other people on your team.