Doing Business - Singapore vs The British Virgin Islands

企业化结构是从事跨境交易或投资的公司的关键考虑因素。选择合适的管辖权对于这些公司至关重要,以便有效地构建其运营和控制。在选择合并的管辖权时应评估的一些因素包括其商业环境,经济竞争力,税收制度以及管辖权的政治稳定。那些面临的决定在各种可能的司法管辖区之间取得决定,这些司法管辖区是审查国际货币基金组织,世界银行,埃宇国际货币基金组织等专家机构发布的国际调查和国家报告。但是,这种调查仅提供一些练习型指导,这可以对可比因素提供一些初步洞察力。决策者还必须密切关注其业务的整体性质,他们的成长阶段,目标 - 市场,关键问题,利益攸关方和竞争的阶段,在做出如此重要的决定时。

The following is a comparison of some of the key factors of Singapore and The British Virgin Islands (BVI) as a potential jurisdiction for their businesses:

Business Environment

Singapore是一个位于印度洋与南海之间的马来半岛南端的城市状态。大陆以及63名岛屿,构成了278平方英里的土地面积,构成了亚洲蓬勃发展的一部分的主要海运和金融中心。城市 - 沿着东西方贸易走廊策略性地。这个国家,with a population of 5.7 million, has a thriving economy and has long been regarded as one of the four Asian tigers, alongside Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan.与BVI不同,新加坡拥有多元化的经济,具有较强的部门绩效,如金融服务,信息和通信技术服务和制造业,如炼油,电子,制药,石油钻井平台和化学品。该国也被视为世界领先的物流中心和外汇中心之一。


英属维尔京群岛,尽管作为一个领先的离岸金融centre, rarely features in any of the leading international business and competitiveness surveys, in which Singapore, invariably, holds a high rating. Singapore has, in fact, held a top place in the World Bank’s “Doing Business Report for more than a decade as one of the world’s easiest places to do business (and is now second only to New Zealand).

In 2016 Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI) compiled by Z/Yen Group, Singaporewas rankedthird在世界上(BVI was 36th) classifying Singapore as a “global leader”whileBVI was classified as a “transnational specialist”.This apparently demonstrates that Singapore’s classification underscores its high ranking in factors such as human capital, business environment, infrastructure, and economic and enterprise ecosystem.


Singapore also has a business friendly tax regime, with a territorial and single-tier taxation policy. Singapore has concluded an extensive raft of double taxation agreements (DTA’s) with other countries, making the withholding tax rates very attractive for taxpayers hailing from jurisdictions with which Singapore has a tax treaty. Singapore has an extremely “clean” image and is on theOECD’s white list,while continuously improving its transparency and cooperation with its counterparts on exchange of tax information.

There are effectively no taxes in BVI, other than payroll tax, stamp duty for real-estate transactions and import duties. In all other respects BVI is either a zero or no tax territory, including no taxes on income, capital gains, sales, profits, inheritances and corporations. The majority of Government revenue is generated from company registration and license fees.

As a British Overseas Territory, BVI cannot sign or ratify international conventions in its own right. Rather, the UK is responsible for BVI’s international affairs and may arrange for the ratification of any convention to be extended to the BVI. Largely, BVI has Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEA’s) rather than DTA’s as the latter are effectively irrelevant in the absence of withholding tax in the territory. Although BVI is on the OECD’s white-list, its image is still somewhat that of a tax haven due to its near zero tax policy, and while Singapore made the EU’s Anti Money Laundering (AML) white-list of “equivalent jurisdictions”, (released in 2012 after EU’s third AML directive) BVI did not make the list.

Singapore BVI
标题企业税率 17% Nil
个人税率 0%至22% Nil
销售税 7% Nil
Capital Gains Tax Nil Nil
责任在贸易上 All exports are duty exempt

All imports are duty free except for controlled items

All exports are duty exempt

Import duty of up to 20% on items including household items, clothing and reading materials

Withholding Tax 10% to 15%


Not Applicable




BVI given its small domestic population meets much of its demand for labor through immigrant workers. According to a 2012 estimate, foreigners constitute 67% of the labor force. Singapore is also dependent on immigrant workers but nearly 68% of the workforce is comprised of Singapore residents (Singapore citizens and permanent residents).

Singapore remains open to suitably qualified and skilled foreign workers in order to fill any gaps in its workforce. The competitiveness of Singapore’s workforce is one of the key criteria for foreign companies who prefer Singapore to alternative Asian jurisdictions to locate their companies.世界经济论坛的2016年全球Competitiveness Report’ ranks Singapore #2 in terms of labor/employee relations.

Singapore BVI
最低工资 No US$6/hour
Social Security Contribution
Employer Contribution Rate: 16% of employee’s basic salary.

最高每月雇主贡献:S $ 960 /月

Employer Contribution Rate: 4.5% of insurable earning (capped at US$40,300 as of 2016)
Payroll Tax No 雇主缴费率 - 支付给雇员的2%或6%的薪酬/被视为薪酬



Singapore’s IP regime is consistently recognized as one of the most robust in the world by several international surveys.新加坡在世界上排名第四and top in Asia for having the best IP protection in the World Economic Forum’s‘Global Competitiveness Report 2017/2018’。同样美国全球知识产权中心的“国际知识产权2016年”将新加坡作为亚洲排名第一对于我们的IP环境。

In 2015, BVI revised their somewhat antiquated IP regime并通过其商标法引入了综合变革,并于2015年9月1日生效。大修姗姗来迟,我们将不得不等待,看看利益相关者如何应对新制度。


It has been noted that there is a direct correlation between the strength of the IP regime and the availability of human, technical and financial capital available for innovation activities. Since Singapore’s IP regime is mature and robust, many companies choose it over other jurisdictions as the location for their R&D centers.

Politics and Bureaucracy

新加坡和BVI都是民主和政治稳定的经济体。任何司法管辖区都没有领土威胁或内部紧张局势。Singapore’s bureaucracyis regarded as one of the most efficient in the world and the政治和经济风险咨询(PERC)在2010年调查中排名第一。BVI官僚机构是可比的,同样的商业友好。

Living Environment

As an island state and territory, Singapore and BVI respectively, offer a vibrant lifestyle amidst stunning nature. Both jurisdictions are comparable when it comes to the quality of life, in terms of housing, personal safety environmental quality, and political and economic stability. Singapore’s far larger population and infrastructure however dictate that public facilities, entertainment, culture and nightlife are far more diverse than BVI’s. Additionally, Singapore as a mature, autonomous and developed country with a significant population offers a comprehensive healthcare system, first class education as well as transportation infrastructure and other services.

Singapore offers a multitude of options when it comes to education, with public, private and international institutions available throughout the country. Likewise healthcare services are robust with world-class specialists, hospitals and caregivers. Visiting BVI requires a flight via Puerto Rico or another Caribbean island which has flights to the USA and/or Europe. Conversely, Singapore, as an international aviation transit hub, commands excellent connectivity and is ranked 25th in the生活质量2018年报告compiled by Mercer.


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