去vernment grants for companies in Singapore
从历史上讲,授予和激励措施被推出或随着年度国家预算公告而扩大 - 今年没有什么不同。2018年预算从2018年开始增加了几个新的拨款和现有的授予,以改善新加坡企业的能力,人力和国际化努力。
“与前几年相比,最近的授权产品更加简单和精简。新加坡企业的新的和扩展拨款更为有针对性的需求,而不是试图成为一定规模的解决方案,“新加坡中小企业协会主席Kurt Wee表示,新加坡(Asme)。
1. Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
- 零售
- Food
- 后勤
- 精密工程
- Wholesale
- Landscaping
- 建造
A full list of supported equipment and solutions that currently qualify for the PSG can be found这里。
The PSG combines three existing productivity schemes: Innovation and Capability Voucher, the Landscape Productivity Grant and the SME Go Digital Programme, into one channel. This enables Singapore businesses to access a wider range of digital productivity solutions at once, which can then be used to scale and upgrade their business capabilities.
通常,由于大小和资源限制,新加坡中小企业规模需要更长的时间,更重要的是,扩大其超越该国的边界的业务 - 任何新加坡企业长期可持续性的重要组成部分。
“在PSG下,拨款的交付更加集中 - 而新加坡企业可以深入了解他们所需要的特定能力。将中小企业的纳入数字计划进一步增强了中小企业的数字支持的在线可用性,“吴说。
2. Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
- Market and business development
- Innovation and productivity
- 核心功能和能力
While the PSG focuses on supporting smaller businesses based in Singapore, the EDG focuses on helping larger businesses that are looking to expand within and beyond Singapore’s shores.
The EDG-related incentives help new businesses establish innovative production and service offerings from the get-go of their setup in Singapore, while established businesses expanding in Singapore get to make the Singapore arm of their business a high-growth, profitable venture instead of being tied down by legacy systems.
EDG支持和激励新加坡企业ses to enjoy higher savings while focusing on business and capability growth efforts – something that is especially important during the first few years of the business’ establishment.
[了解更多about government funding and assistance schemes available in Singapore.]
Enhanced or extended grants
- 能力开发,或升级供应商,共同开发和测试床上用品的技术能力,以及公司之间的知识转移(如培训计划),以开发创新专业知识
- Alliances, consortium's, and shared resources (or shared service centres)
The new PACT scheme combines four existing partnership programmes: EDB's and Spring's respective Partnerships for Capability Transformation schemes, Spring's Collaborative Industry Projects; and IE Singapore's Global Company Partnership Grant. It funds up to 70% of qualifying costs for SMEs and 50% for non-SMEs.
Companies acting as Lead Enterprises in PACT projects need to be registered in Singapore – either as a local company or a multi-national corporation with a Singapore office. As for participating companies, they can be either local or foreign, with local projects given a majority in individual PACT projects.
中小企业不需要停止在当地增长时 - 国际化对新加坡中小企业保持竞争力和可持续性的重要性。扩大协议,包括服务提供商支持和国际联盟将极大地帮助新加坡企业扩大新加坡边境。
“Internationalisation is important for small businesses in Singapore to be able to grow. However, they are quite often tied for bandwidth and resources, which limits their ability to scale,” Wee explained.
4. Double Tax Deduction for Internationalisation (DTDi)
The Double Tax Deduction for Internationalisation (DTDi) initiative was established to encourage Singapore businesses to embark on international expansion and internationalisation.
根据增强的DTDI倡议,在2019年评估年度生效,开展选择海外业务活动的新加坡企业将有权获得200%的税收扣除,从之前的10,000美元的上限 -这些活动。
- 海外业务开发旅行
- 海外贸易展览会
- 市场调查和可行性研究
- 投资可行性和尽职调查研究
- 海外广告或促销活动
- Expenses of Singaporean staff posted to overseas entities
Internationalisation is often costly for small businesses – ventures needed to create market presence in other countries, such as marketing, trade shows, networking and sourcing for local partners, present additional time and effort to small companies who are often lean in operations.
When compared to the previous DTDi that set the automatic DTDi clearance at S$100,000, the new clearance limit of S$150,000 for eligible expenses enables Singapore businesses to reduce their tax burdens and have more money on hand, and more time, to engage in higher value internationalisation and expansion activities.
5. Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant
Initially introduced in 2013, the Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant was established to help Singapore SMEs access overseas opportunities.
The MRA grant supports the costs for Singaporean businesses that are exploring overseas markets in three main areas:
- 海外市场建立 - 法律和文件费用
- Identification of overseas market partners – licensees, franchisees, agents, distributors and joint venture partner
- 海外市场推广 - 营销和公关活动,海外贸易展览会的活动,空间租赁或摊位
为了有资格获得MRA Grant,公司需要在新加坡锚定的全球总部,以及群体年营业额不超过1亿美元或少年雇员。
Learn more关于符合MRA资格的符合条件活动(和可交付成果)的详细清单。
The expanded MRA grant makes it easier for Singapore businesses to establish physical branches and conduct market research in the countries they are expanding to, as well as take advantage of digital business promotional channels, which typically incur high costs for effective utilisation (such as in-store campaigns, digital ad space, etc).
“延长的MRA Grant使更多的新加坡企业能够在国际上扩大。Wee补充道,它也被授予官员制造了更加量身定制的企业的特定需求。
In 2015, the Singapore government piloted the SME Venture Debt Programme (VDP), which enabled SMEs with high-growth potential to access loans up to S$5 million for working capital, asset financing, project financing and mergers & acquisitions purposes. Under the 2018 Budget, this scheme will be extended for another two years.
The VDP was structured with small Singapore businesses in mind: to be eligible for the loan, businesses needed at least 30% local ownership and less than 200 employees. Additional eligibility requirements may be imposed by local banks participating in the programme, which can be found at their respective websites and enquiry channels.
VDP已经看到了积极的卷取 - 在该计划发射的一年内,贷款到四个新加坡企业已被批准,在不久的将来,更多的Slated批准。
How does the VDP help Singapore businesses?
In the start-up world, time is money – the faster a business can hit the ground running, the easier it is for the business to gain momentum, growth, and be sustainable for the long run. The VDP helps Singapore businesses access sources of capital quickly to set up and expand their business
In an interview with local news channel, Channel News Asia, Mr Chia Yoong Hui, chief executive officer of local SME Ascenz, shared that the VDP spared them the challenge of having to look for collaterals and assets early on in the business.
“Our company is more research-based, and most of our assets are our intellectual properties. It’s harder to get bank loans based on that, and VDP provided us with a feasible alternative to fund our research and development efforts,” he said.
新最近新加坡2020年预算,政府ernment have released more grants for companies. More information on the Singapore budget 2020 can be found on our blog page这里。看我们的自由网络研讨会在新加坡预算这里。
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