
Singapore is a flourishing financial centre of international repute servicing not only its domestic economy per se but also the entire Asia Pacific region. The banking industry is a key player in the country’s financial market segment, soon emerging as one of the strongest in the world. Factors such as a sound economic and political environment, conducive legal and tax policies, reputation for integrity, and strict enforcement against crime and money laundering, have contributed to Singapore’s status as an International Finance Centre – the third largest in Asia, after Japan and Hong Kong. Today there are as many as 117 foreign banks and 6 local banks that dominate the banking scene.


  • 国内银行市场的自由化。
  • 当地银行通过兼并和收购加强了其区域存在。
  • Expansion of foreign banks, some of which made Singapore a regional or even global platform for important banking services, which in turn led to increased competitiveness.
  • 增加的竞争激励了创新产品和更具竞争力的定价模型的发展。
  • Provision of sophisticated banking services like corporate and investment banking activities, apart from traditional lending and deposit-taking functions.
  • Strict banking secrecy laws, tax friendly policies and a suite of wealth management services created a private banking boom. Swiss giants Credit Suisse Group and UBS AG have expanded private-banking operations in Singapore to cater to new demand from Asians and Europeans.
  • 认识到包括在新加坡广泛的银行市场的中小企业需求的需求。


Singapore’s Banking Industry Trends

Liberalisation of banking sector

In May 1999, MAS launched a five-year liberalisation package to strengthen the banking system and to improve Singapore’s reputation as an international financial centre. The measures included issuing a new category of full banking licenses known as Qualifying Full Bank (QFB) licenses to foreign banks, increasing the number of restricted banks, and giving offshore banks greater flexibility in Singapore Dollar wholesale business. MAS also set out to improve corporate governance practices. Furthermore, the 40 percent foreign shareholding limit in local banks was lifted.


Growth of private banking industry


  • Strict banking secrecy laws – Section 47 of the Banking Act states that customer information shall not, in any way, be disclosed by a bank or any of its officers, to any other person except as expressly provided in the Banking Act.
  • 不承认2005年欧洲税务指令 - 新加坡是少数剩余的离岸中心之一,尚未签署欧盟储蓄税指令,其国家成员可以交换与银行和投资这些国家的个人有关的私人信息。
  • Generous tax incentives – Capital gains and interest income from outside Singapore are not taxed here.


  • global wealth management services
  • wealth and lifestyle advisory services
  • investment strategies
  • tax and estate planning
  • asset protection
  • credit services

Investment banking hub

The investment banking industry opened up as Singapore matured into a key international debt arranging hub in Asia. The following factors have contributed to the country’s active and thriving capital market:

  • Encouraging a steady flow of issuance from the Singapore Government, statutory boards, supra-nationals and corporates.
  • Launching theApproved Bond Intermediary Scheme培育债券投资者能够维持债务市场。
  • Growth of SGX as an International exchange which attracted many foreign companies, who account for more than a quarter of total listings.
  • High standards to maintain investor confidence led to various initiatives to enhance disclosure, strengthen market discipline and improve corporate governance of listed companies. These measures included: the Code of Corporate Governance, revisions to the SGX listing rules and the introduction of the new civil penalty regime under the Securities and Futures Act.

大多数投资银行在新加坡执行各种corporate-finance and investment related activities like:

  • Underwriting securities
  • 作为证券发行人和投资公众之间的中介
  • 作为机构客户的经纪人
  • Facilitating mergers and acquisitions; and
  • Corporate reorganization

Strengthening of local banking groups


SME Banking Services



  • 新加坡交易所(SGX)与亚太地区的更成熟的资本市场之一,是200多家全球公司的首选上市地点。
  • 新加坡已经是最大的房地产Investment Trust (REITs) market in Asia ex-Japan and also provides an extensive offering of investments in business trusts of shipping, aviation and infrastructure assets.
  • With an extensive range of both Singapore government securities and foreign corporate bonds available, Singapore offers fixed income investors a wide range of investment opportunities.
  • 新加坡作为世界上最活跃的外汇交易中心之一,也是亚洲第二大交易所交易中心,是商品衍生品贸易中心。
  • Singapore is recognized as one of the premier asset management location in Asia with total assets under management around S$1 trillion.

Types of Banks

新加坡大多数银行迎合了不同类型的客户 - 个人,公司或政府机构。这些银行提供商业银行(迎合企业和公司),零售银行(迎合公众个人成员)和私人银行(迎合HNWIS)服务。银行可分为2个主要类别:

  • 当地银行(6)
  • 外资银行(117) - 进一步分为
    • Full Banks(27) - 在银行法案下提供批准的整个银行业务。在新加坡经营的六家外国银行已被授予合格的全银行(QFB)特权。这些银行包括:汇丰银行,花旗银行,渣打银行,Maybank,ABN AMRO和BNP Paribas。
    • 批发银行(53) – engage in the same range of banking activities as full banks, except Singapore Dollar retail banking activities. All wholesale banks in Singapore, operate as branches of foreign banks. Examples: ING bank, National Australia Bank, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank etc.
    • 离岸银行(37) - 以亚洲货币单位(一家会计单位)交易,以与其亚洲货币单位交易的全额和批发银行进行与批发银行进行交流,该公司用于预订亚洲元市场中进行的所有外币交易)。银行新加坡元交易在国内银行部门(DBU)中单独预订。所有离岸银行在新加坡,作为外资银行的分支机构。例子:韩国开发银行,台湾银行,新西兰银行,加拿大帝国商务银行等。
    • 商家银行(42) - 提供企业融资,股份和债券发行,兼并和收购,投资组合投资管理,管理咨询和其他基于费用的活动。大多数商家银行拥有MAS的批准,建立了ACU,他们通过它与亚洲美元市场的商业银行竞争。在他们的DBU中,他们可能只接受存款或仅从银行,金融公司,股东和由股东控制的公司借用。示例:Credit Suisse Singapore Ltd,Barclays Merchant Bank Singapore Ltd,Anz Singapore Ltd,Axis Bank Ltd等。


Major local banks

  • DBS.(新加坡开发银行)成立于1968年,被认为是新加坡和东南亚最大的银行,由资产衡量。它是新加坡和香港的一家领先的消费银行,分别为400万和100万零百万零售客户服务。它还拥有新加坡最大的零售网络,目前有80个分支机构。它在银行家的“2008年前2008年亚洲银行”中排名第14。
  • OCBC(Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation) established in 1912, is one of the largest financial institutions in the Singapore-Malaysia market with total assets of S$184 billion. It ranked 1st in “Top 5 Regional Banks”, Asia Risk End-User Survey 2008.
  • UOB(United Overseas Bank) established in 1935, is a leading bank in Singapore with a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region. As at 31 December 2007, the UOB Group had total assets of S$175.0 billion. It was awarded the “Best Overall Fund Group in Singapore” during The Edge-Lipper Singapore Fund Awards 2008.


  • 汇丰- 在新加坡,香港和上海银行公司有限公司于1877年12月首次开设其大门。汇丰银行是新加坡政府证券市场和批准的债券中介(ABI)批准的主要经销商。这是一个QFB荣幸33 awardsat Global Finance Awards 2006 by Global Finance.
  • Standard Chartered- 标准包机的新加坡业务始于1859年,今天是共和国国际银行中最大的分支网络(20)。它是集团的第二大消费银行市场,并于1999年获得了合格的全银行(QFB)许可。它是新加坡外国机构最大的托管银行,在全球托管人的代理银行调查中过去七年的评价最高。
  • ABN-AMRO Singapore – ABN AMRO is now owned by RBS, Santander and the Dutch government. Its various businesses around the globe are currently being separated from ABN AMRO and integrated in line with each owner’s plans.
  • Maybank.– Maybank’s presence in Singapore began in 1960 as a full-licensed commercial bank. Maybank is currently among the top five banks in ASEAN and is a Qualifying Full Bank in Singapore. As of June 2008, Maybank’s total assets amounted to S$22.7 billion in Singapore.
  • BNP Paribas.– BNP Paribas has been at the forefront of banking in Singapore since 1968 and was awarded a QFB status in 1999. Today, BNP Paribas Singapore assumes a prominent presence in the region by acting as the Group’s regional hub for its business in Corporate and Investment Banking as well as Private Banking.
  • 花旗银行– Citibank was the first American bank to set up a branch in Singapore in 1902. Although a relative latecomer to the retail-banking sector, the bank has grown into a formidable market player with major market share in key businesses including unsecured lending, deposits and investments and secured assets. Citibank was among the first four foreign banks to be awarded the Qualifying Full Bank (QFB) license in 1999.



Role of Monetary Authority of Singapore

在新加坡,新加坡的金钱权威acts as a defacto central bank. It was established in 1971 in order to regulate Singapore’s financial industry to aid in its development as an international financial centre. Its primary function is to ensure that the financial markets operate in an efficient and smooth manner, in line with national economic goals. The MAS is responsible for the following:

  • Implementing monetary policy
  • Supervisor of the banking systems
  • Banker to the government
  • 银行家到银行
  • 国际储备金
  • 货币发行人
  • 银行许可证的发行人
  • 贷款人的最后手段


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