Starting a Shipping Company in Singapore



  • operating vessels within and outside Singapore’s port
  • 船员员工在船上工作
  • dealing with dangerous goods
  • 在船上操作某些通信设备等


With the view of recognising and supporting the needs of the shipping industry in Singapore, the Maritime and Port Authority has introduced financial, manpower development and R & D schemes. Small and medium enterprises can especially benefit by capitalising on the below mentioned programmes and assistance schemes:

  • 海事部门激励批准的国际航运企业(MSI-AIS)计划 - 提供船舶公司豁免合格运费10年。
  • Maritime Cluster Fund – offers scholarship schemes, course fee subsidies and attachment programmes for the development of manpower, local training infrastructure and capabilities within the maritime industry.
  • Maritime Sector Incentive – Maritime Leasing Award (MSI–ML) – ship or container leasing companies, business trusts or partnerships will enjoy tax concessions for up to 5 years on qualifying leasing income
  • 海事部门奖励 - 与运输相关的支持服务(MSI-SSS) - 享受从提供合格批准的运输相关的支持服务的增量收入享受10%的优惠税率,以获得5年的可再生期


第1步 - 合并业务

Once you have decided to establish a shipping company, you must incorporate your company. This is a statutory requirement. Incorporating a private limited company in Singapore is a fairly straightforward and quick process although certain statutory requirements apply. For more details, refer to新加坡公司形成程序

Step 2 – Find suitable premises

After business incorporation, you must find suitable premises to set up your shipping company office. There are different rental options available in Singapore that cater to your specific business needs. For a detailed guide on the various rental options available, refer to新加坡办公空间选项

第3步 - 租用员工

You may intend to hire employees to work on board your vessel and/or employees to work in your shipping company office. In either case, you need to comply with certain legislatons. Employees hired to work on-board your vessel need to hold a valid Port Limit Manning Licence. For more details, refer to the Port Limit Manning Licence section below. If you intend to hire office staff to work in your shipping company office, you must adhere to the hiring guidelines for local and foreign employees in Singapore. For details, refer to新加坡公司雇用招聘指南

Step 4 – Apply for Licences and Permits


  • 海港工艺牌 - 在新加坡港口的船舶
  • 端口清关证书 - 以新加坡港口超越船舶
  • Ship Registration Certificate – To transport passengers or goods
  • 港口限制曼宁执照 - 船员成员工作,船上船舶和船只
  • Launch a New Vessel Permit – To launch a new vessel more than 15 meters long in the port
  • 船舶电台执照——radio-communicat运作ion equipment on your Singapore registered ship
  • 船舶卫生控制证书 - 证明您的船舶卫生条件以运输货物
  • 允许放电/装载/过境危险货物和船坞携带此类货物
  • Other Licences and Permits for related activities

Harbour Craft Licence


Applying for a Harbour Craft Licence

Step 1 – File Application and submit necessary documents

  • Application Form – You must submit a duly completedapplication Form for a harbour craft licence到新加坡的海事和港务局。
  • 支持文档 - 以及申请表单,您必须提交以下文件的原始文件和副本:
    • Identity Card NRIC for licensing in the name of one or more individuals
    • Certificate of Registration from Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) for licensing in the name of a corporate body.
    • 所有权证明 - 销售票据,章程协议,建筑师证书,船体收据或发票等
    • Proof of origin of vessel – Launching Permit, Import Permit, General Arrival Declaration (as applicable)
    • Insurance Policy – A marine policy covering third party liabilities including wreck removal and personal/passenger injuries
    • Craft的Manning - MPA Manning许可证(有关此许可证的详细信息,请参阅下面)
    • Letter of approval for use of pier/landing places where applicable issued by the owner/manager of the facilities
    • Any other documents or requirements as may be required by the Port Master
  • Once you all have all of the above documents ready, you should submit them Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm at the MPA’S One-Stop Document Centre.

Step 2 – Arrange for Inspection of vessel

  • In order to obtain a Harbour Craft Licence, every vessel must pass an inspection. You are required to arrange with the MPA’s One-Stop Document Centre for the place, date and time of the inspection in person at least one week in advance. Payment of inspection fee is not required at this stage.

第3步 - 付款并获得许可证

  • Once the craft passes the inspection, you will receive a Craft Inspection Report. Within seven days you will need to make all the necessary fees and dues payment. Details of fees and dues payable can be found这里。Once all dues have been settled you will receive a craft licence certificate specifying the craft licence number. You must display the craft licence in a conspicuous place on board at all times. Additionally the licence number must be legible and visible on the vessel at all times.


  • 港口工艺许可证纯粹用于在新加坡港口限制内使用船只。如果您要求您的船只离开港口限制,您必须首先强制获得海事和港口权限的港口清关证书。
  • The Port clearance procedure requires you to make a declaration before your vessel departs from Singapore. This involves submitting to the MPA’s One Stop Document Centre a一般宣言form随着必要的支持文件
  • On receiving the form and documents the MPA will arrange for an inspection. Once all the requirements are met and港口会费have been paid, the MPA will issue the Port Clearance Certificate.
  • 您必须确保您的船只在获得港口清关证书后48小时内从新加坡出发。

Port clearance for vessels arriving in Singapore

  • 如果您的船只抵达新加坡,您必须确保在船舶抵达新加坡的24小时内进行宣言。
  • You must submit to the MPA’s One Stop Document Centre a一般宣言形式以及必要的支持文件viz。
    • Original Port Clearance of last port of call,
    • Certificate of Insurance in respect of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (if applicable) and
    • IMO Certificate of Fitness for LNG/LPG and vessels carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk
  • 在收到表格和文件时,MPA将分配船只编号的一般声明(GDV编号)并在一般宣言的所有副本上盖上此号码。MPA将保留船舶抵达的总宣言的原始副本。


Ship Registration Certificate



Step 1 – Review Pre-requisites

  • 船东和船只需要在新加坡发货前满足某些先决条件。
    • Only the following may be registered as owners of Singapore vessels:
      • Singapore citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents.
      • Companies incorporated in Singapore – foreign owned (more than 50% of its equity is owned by foreigners) or locally owned (more than 50% of its equity owned by Singapore citizens or another locally owned company)
    • 如果船只由外国公司拥有,它只可以在新加坡注册:
      • 该公司拥有50,​​000人的最低支付资本。
      • 船只至少为1,600 GT(吨位),必须是自推进的。
      • Sometimes exemptions on the minimum paid up capital and gross tonnage are granted on a case-by-case basis, subject to certain conditions and at the discretion of the Registrar.
  • 如果船舶在本地拥有,则可能在新加坡注册,如果公司满足最低的支付资本要求。
  • 一般来说,船舶将考虑少于17年的注册。

Step 2 – Write in to Registrar of Ships

  • Once you have satisfies all the pre-requisites you must write in to the Registrar of Ships for approval of your vessel name and application for an official number for the vessel.

第3步 - 提交申请表和支持文件

  • You can choose to either apply for a provisional registration, valid for up-to 1 year or permanent registration.
  • You will need to submit the following application forms along with the relevant supporting documents.
    • Duly completed registration application form
    • Appointment of manager form for appointing a vessel manager who will be responsible for the operations of the vessel.
    • 只有在任命代理形式,适用person signing the Application Form is other than the Director/Secretary of the company.
    • Supporting documents
      • Business Profile Printout as lodged with ACRA
      • 所有权证明 - 建设者证书或销售票据副本(适用)
      • 新加坡美元船的价值
      • Tonnage certificate
      • Vessel classification certificate
    • Other statutory certificates, as applicable

Step 4 – Pay fees and receive Certificate of Registry

  • After submitting the relevant documents you must proceed to pay the initial registration fee and annual tonnage tax. Once all documents have been approved by the Registrar, the Certificate of Registry and a Carving and Marking Note will be issued to you.

Port Limit Manning Licence

  • 强制性地,您的港口工艺的每个船员都持有有效的端口限制曼宁许可证。为各种类型的船员发出了不同类别的曼宁许可证。
  • 您需要提交给MPA的一个停止文件中心,正式完成端口限制曼宁许可证申请表for each crew member along with each crew member’s supporting documents like:
    • 能力证书或结果单板MPA的海事和港口培训部分
    • Identity Card/NRIC (for locals) and Passport (for foreigners)
    • Certificates of relevant additional courses attended
    • Work Permit / Employment Pass (for foreigners only)
  • The licence fee for 5 years is SGD 10. Upon successful receipt of the form, documents and fee the MPA will issue the Port Limit Manning Licence.

Please note: Owners of Singapore registered ships will have to comply with certainminimum manning requirements


  • 港口推出超过15米的新船舶需要港口主人的书面许可。
  • You are required to submit two copies of the duly completed, signed and stampedPermission to Launch a Newly Constructed Vessel Into the Waters of the Portform to the MPA’s One Stop Document Centre, within 3 working days prior to launching the vessel.
  • 请注意,只有收到“允许启动新船只”,您可以在新加坡港推出新船只。

Ship Station Licence

  • If you wish to operate radio-communication equipment installed on-board your Singapore registered ship, you must obtain a ship station licence from the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore.
  • You can apply for this licence online via IDA’s Telecom Licencing Systemby submitting the application form and supporting documents such as:
    • Certificate of Registry or MPA Harbour Craft Licence
    • Safety Radio Certificate (if applicable)
    • 无线电运营商的能力证书(如适用)
  • 在申请时,您必须每艘船站牌照的SGD 100牌照。
  • Upon successful receipt of all documents and payments the IDA will take approximately 7 working days to process your application and issue the licence to you. The licence is valid for up-to 5 years.


  • 建议颁发国家环境署(NEA)港卫生办公室颁发的船舶卫生控制证书,以证明您的船只处于安全和卫生条件,以运输货物。
  • 可以制作应用程序在线的通过填写申请表并根据船舶的总吨位支付SGD 170或​​SGD 230的许可费。
  • Upon successful receipt of your application and payment the NEA will take approximately one working day to process your application and issue the licence.

Dangerous Goods

  • 如果您的到达船只正在携带任何危险品,石油或爆炸物或者打算在港口中排出或加载此类项目,则必须先前通知此类到达船只,并获得从港口加载或释放此类材料的许可掌握。
  • 到达和申请到排放/负载/运输的通知必须在船舶到达或装载/卸载活动之前至少12小时,通过提交正式完成通知形式to the MPA’s Hazardous Cargo Section.
  • 此外,您是否希望在经批准的码头上船坞和传统船舶携带散装液体货物,您必须通过提交正式完成的批准application form到港口海洋安全部。

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