Starting a Publishing Business in Singapore

Singapore has one of the highest rates of literacy in the world and there is a continuous demand for high quality publications ranging from newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and books. Moreover, factors such as a strong IP protection regime, ease of business set up, and availability of human resources makes it an ideal hub for the publishing industry.

As a result, Singapore is a thriving hub for both international as well as home-grown publishing companies. Some notable industry players that have set up operations in Singapore include Reed Elsevier, McGraw-Hill Education, Cambridge University Press and local big wigs such as World Scientific Publishing, Marshall Cavendish, and SPH Magazines.



Newspaper Permit



  • 在新加坡印刷或发布报纸。报纸是指包含有关此类新闻,情报,出现报告或任何其他公共利益问题的新闻,情报,出现报告或任何言论,观察或评论的任何出版物,或任何其他公共利益问题,以任何语言印刷并发布定期销售或自由分发,但不包括由政府或政府发布的任何出版物。请注意,报纸包括Dailies,公司或社会内部通讯,年度报告和目录等项目。
  • Selling or distributing an offshore newspaper in Singapore. An offshore newspaper is a newspaper at intervals not exceeding 1 week that is published outside Singapore, which carries news or reports on politics and current affairs of any country in Southeast Asia, and with a circulation of 300 or more copies in Singapore.
    Selling or distributing a Malaysian newspaper in Singapore.
  • 请注意,发布小说或一次性纪念小册子不需要许可证。

What is the Newspaper Permit application procedure?

  • The proprietor or Chief Editor of the publication must submit an application form together with the following supporting documents to the Registrar of Newspapers:
    • A sample copy of recent issues of the publication if the publication is a current affairs news magazine, women’s interest magazine, fashion magazine, recreational or performing arts magazine, entertainment and leisure magazine, tourist guide, or any other lifestyle magazine.
    • If the applicant is foreigner residing in Singapore, a copy of his/her Foreign Identification Number (FIN) document and passport.
    • 如果报纸出版并在马来西亚打印,则申请日期为3个月的有效副本,截至3个月,两份报纸最近的三个问题。
    • If the applicant is a third-party, a Letter of Authorization.
  • 报纸许可证可以免费获得。但是,海上报纸需要2万元的银行担保。
  • It normally takes 15 working days to process successful applications, upon which the permit will be issued for a one-year validity period.
  • The permit is non-transferable. A new permit must be obtained if there is any change of the permit holders, name of the newspaper, nature of contents, or of the language or frequency of the publication.
  • The first issue of the publication must be published within three months of obtaining the permit. There afterwards, two copies of every issue of the publication must be submitted to the Registrar of Newspapers.

Printing Press License

Who requires a Printing Press License?

If you plan to operate a press to print any publication such as newspapers, pamphlets, maps, charts and magazines in Singapore you will need to obtain a Printing Press License from the Registrar of Newspapers.


  • Prior to applying for the Printing Press License, the following pre-requisites must be fulfilled:
    • The premises must be approved by the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore (URA) for the purpose of running a printing press.
    • The business must be registered with the Singapore Companies Registrar, ACRA.
  • The license application procedure consists of submitting the application form along with the following supporting documents to the Registrar of Newspapers:
    • If the applicant is a third-party, a Letter of Authorization.
    • If the said premises is different from the registered company’s address with ACRA, documentary proof from the Chief Inspector of Factories that the premises are approved for printing press usage.
  • 它通常需要三个工作天处理successful application, upon which the license will be issued for a one-year validity period.
    There are no license fees payable.
  • The license is non-transferable. A new license must be obtained if there is any change in the owner of the license or of location of the printing press.

Licenses for Online Publishing

According to the Singapore Newspaper and Printing Presses Act, there is no permit required for the online publication of periodicals. However, Internet content providers who provide an online newspaper for a subscription fee or who publish information on the Internet must register themselves with the Media Development Authority of Singapore. The registration procedure involves completing and submitting a form to the MDA within 14 days of commencement of the online-publication service. Note that the principal applicant must either be the executive editor, the managing editor, or any other person who controls the policy of the online publication. Details such as the name and address of the publisher; place of business incorporation; website particulars such as title, IP address, URL, subscription rates (if any), date of commencement, nature of content, language of publication; details of the web publisher; and particulars of the web host must be provided to the MDA.

Other Licenses

  • Depending upon the nature of activities you intend to undertake you may also require the following additional licenses and approvals.
  • Permit to Reproduce Singapore Currency Designs: For reproducing designs of the old series notes and coins.
  • 广告许可证:显示户外广告标牌,如天空标志和电子广告牌。
  • 一般无线电通信许可:通过无线电通信发送或接收消息。
  • Localized Private Network License: For establishing and providing localized private network services such as use of walkie-talkie services within a localized area.
  • Localized Radio Communication License: For the operation of remote control devices, local area paging devices, transceivers (walkie-talkies), telemetry or alarm systems, wireless data or voice systems (e.g wireless LAN) and any other radio-communication equipment authorised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore.
  • 广域私人网络许可证:用于建立和提供广域私人网络服务,例如在非本地化区域内使用随身携带犬服务。
  • Non-Residential TV License: For operating a broadcasting apparatus that is capable of receiving broadcasting signals such as TV sets or PCs that are enabled to receive TV programs.
  • License to Discharge Trade Effluents: For discharging trade effluents generated (if any) from your business activity into a watercourse such as an open drain.


  • Business incorporation:The first step towards establishing your publishing business in Singapore is to incorporate a Singapore company. Singapore company incorporation is a quick, simple, and easy procedure involving selecting a company name and submitting incorporation documents. Under normal circumstances, it takes only one day to incorporate a company in Singapore. For more details on how to form a Singapore company, refer to新加坡公司注册指南
  • 找到合适的房地:Once you have incorporated your business you must find suitable office premises. There are variousoffice space options您可以根据您的业务需求和预算选择。请注意,如果您计划向保护大楼进行补充或更改,您需要寻求新加坡(URA)的城市重建权威批准。在建筑物和建筑机构(BCA)的事先批准,以便在您的保护建设上显示迹象。如果您计划执行任何消防安全工作,则必须获得新加坡民防部队的批准。如果您打算将您的住宅房屋作为您的办公空间,您需要根据公共住房或私人财产寻求新加坡房屋开发局(HDB)或URA的批准。
  • Hire staff:作为一个出版公司,您可能会聘请编辑团队,流通官员和销售人员。虽然新加坡有一个有才华的人力资源库,但您可能希望聘请外国人员,在这种情况下,您需要确保合适的员工工作准证。有关招聘新加坡雇员的更多详情,请参阅工作人员招聘指南
  • Obtain Licenses and Permits:Once the company has been incorporated, you may need to obtain one or more above-mentioned licenses as appropriate.

Important Regulations Concerning Publishing Industry in Singapore

It is advisable to keep abreast of key legislation and guidelines that apply to the publishing industry in Singapore. Listed below is a brief overview of print and Internet publishing related laws and regulations.

  • 当地的期刊,报纸和杂志由MDA发出一年的许可证。
  • Content published in local publications must adhere to guidelines on moral, racial, religious issues and matters related to Singapore’s national interest.
  • Imported publications meant for distribution in Singapore must adhere to the进口出版物的内容指南
  • 任何诋毁任何种族或宗教团或冒犯任何种族或宗教团体的敏感性的出版物都在新加坡禁止。
  • Adult-interest lifestyle magazines must carry the consumer advice “Unsuitable for the Young” on the cover of the magazine.
  • All publications must adhere to the guidelines in the不良出版物法案
  • All publications must adhere to the guidelines in the Undesirable Publications Act.
  • The Broadcasting (Class License) Notification is the principal legislation governing the Internet and applies to all Internet content providers. All Internet content providers including web publishers must adhere to the广播类许可证条件,Internet Industry Guidelines, 和Internet Code of Practice

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