Commodity Trading Business in Singapore Part 1: Regulations and Licensing Requirements

新加坡的监管框架,支持lenient tax regime, well-developed financial center facilities and established infrastructure together make it an irresistible hub for commodity trading companies. Singapore is one of the region’s busiest trading ports and its history as a regional hub for commodities dates back to several centuries. Now, although there are tough competitors emerging to challenge its position, the Singapore government has preemptively devised and revised strategies to sustain its traction to the commodity traders.

Singapore is home to more than 280 global trading companies, under the International Enterprise Singapore’s Global Traders Program, including some of the world’s top integrated energy majors and the world’s largest agri-commodity groups. Singapore’s strategic location in the resource rich part of the globe, which incidentally is also growing at a faster pace than the rest of the world and thereby triggering a voracious appetite for commodities make it an ideal location for commodity trading companies. Singapore also commands seamless connectivity to more than 600 ports in over 120 countries.


The following article is an overview of the legislation, licensing and compliance requirements pertaining to OTC commodities derivatives trading business in Singapore. Please note that this is neither a comprehensive compilation of requirements nor a professional advice but a broad overview of requirements for OTC derivatives trading business.


The commodities trading sector is strictly regulated in Singapore. Persons or firms engaged in any form of commodity trading activities are subjected to strict regulations under the Commodity Trading Act, enacted in 1992.

商品交易法(CTA)提供了商品衍生品贸易的立法。CTA规范了与商品衍生品有关的三个主要领域 - 商品衍生品,商品衍生品市场和商品衍生品的清算设施。目前国际企业正在管理CTA。

In February 2008, the regulation of commodity futures was transferred from the Commodity Trading Act to the Securities and Futures Act (SFA) under the purview of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Thereafter the MAS has been the singular regulator for all types futures – financial and commodities. Regulatory oversight of other commodity derivatives and spot commodity trading remain with International Enterprises (IE) under the CTA.


Imminent Changes in Legislation

Recognizing the global trend towards strengthening regulations in over- the-counter (OTC) derivatives, a consultation paper was issued in February 2012 by MAS and IE, proposing the transfer of regulatory oversight of OTC commodity derivatives under the CTA to the SFA. The rationale for the proposal is to streamline regulatory approach between commodity derivatives and commodity futures.




The term “commodity” will cover any produce, item, goods or article that is the subject of:

  • Commodity forward contract;
  • 杠杆商品交易;
  • Contract made pursuant to trading in differences or
  • Spot commodity trading;


Establishment of Commodity Market & Clearing House

Entities operating market that list commodity derivatives and entities operating clearing house for commodity derivatives require the approval of IE.

Establishing a commodity market or clearing house; or assisting in establishing or maintaining a commodity market or clearing house, without IE’s approval is an offence that will attract a fine not exceeding S$30,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or both.

An application for approval as a commodity market or clearing house shall be made in the prescribed form as the IE may determine. A copy of the rules and Constitution of the proposed commodity market, certified to be the true copies thereof by the person signing the application, must accompany the application.


An entity that is seeking approval or approved as Commodity Market shall make adequate provision:

  • To ensure that its members are persons of good character and high business integrity;
  • To expel, suspend or discipline member on grounds of misconduct or for a contravention of the business rules of the proposed commodity market;
  • 关于商品合同的条款和条件,以便提供合理的保证,即将出于清算和所有其他安排所订立的任何合同所产生的所有合同所产生的所有义务;
  • 为确保交易做法是公平的,并妥善监督并防止操纵和过度猜测;
  • 记录和发布交易详情;
  • For the establishment of a Compensation Fund, or any other scheme or system, accepted by the Board, to compensate customers who suffer pecuniary loss through the oversight or failure of a member, or any of its directors or employees.
  • 在适当考虑到公众的利益和保护,开展业务。

In order to weed out unscrupulous activities of “Bucket Shops” and to enhance the transparency in the sector, a strict license scheme is in place. The Act imposes mandatory licensing for firms and individuals trading in all types of commodity contracts (unless specifically exempted).

Any firm or trader dealing with commodity trading must apply for a license, unless specifically exempted under the Schedule (Section 14A). Apart from the exempted categories of persons, any person who provides broking services, advisory services or operates a pool for commodity futures contracts, commodity forward contracts, trading in differences, leveraged commodity trading and certain forms of spot commodity trading, must apply for licenses.

商品交易活动 许可证需要
(除非免除下Section 14A)
商品合同中的经纪人 Commodity Broker’s (CB) license
[Not required to hold CTA license under Section 13(2B)]
Broking in spot commodity contracts 现货商品经纪人(SCB)许可证
提供商品合同的咨询服务 Commodity Trading Adviser’s (CTA) license
Operating a pool for commodity futures Commodity Futures Pool Operator’s (CFPO) license
经营商品合同的游泳池 Commodity Pool Operator’s (CPO) license
Operating a pool for spot commodity contracts 现货商品池运营商(SCPO)许可证

Note: Other than the director of the licensed corporation or the person in the direct employment of the licensed corporation, any person who solicits and/or deals with clients on behalf of a company in the trading of (respective) contracts would be required to apply for the (respective) representative license.It must be noted that post amendment to CTA in 2008, entities which engage in broking transactions in both commodity derivatives and commodity futures are dually licensed by IE and MAS.

Exempted category

The following persons are exempted from holding a license under the CTA:

  • Persons who engage in trading of commodities in the ordinary course of business and it is intended for the purpose of retail or wholesale and involves physical commodity;
  • Persons contracting only with accredited investors [1];
  • 许可银行或批准的商家银行;
  • 金融和财政中心;
  • Approved oil trading companies or approved international commodity trading companies; and
  • Persons who engage in trading on their own account not involving public funds.





  • A detailed statement of the applicant’s assets and liabilities signed by the applicant; or
  • In the case of an applicant which is a Singapore corporation, a copy of the following documents (certified true by the company director or company secretary)
    • 最后一个资产负债表;
    • 最后的损益账户;和
    • 审计员的报告。


Penalty for Operating without a License

  • Operating without a License is an offence, which will attract a penalty not exceeding S$100,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or both.
  • 作为没有有效许可的代表经营的是违法行为,罚款高达50,000澳元或600多个月或两者的刑罚。


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