

Typical reasons for closing a company include:

  • 公司已停止经营活动或不盈利
  • Company cannot pay its debts and is insolvent
  • 股东之间不可撤销的争议
  • 公司所属集团的企业或金融重组
  • 公司处于休眠状态,所有者不想承担持续的法规遵从性和维护成本
  • 违反法律规定,包括所犯罪行

公司可以通过以下两种方式进行清算删除“或”清盘“. 清盘和停业都会导致一家公司不复存在。但是,它们是非常不同的过程,不应相互混淆。


Winding up is a more formal company liquidation procedure that involves the orderly winding-up of the company affairs, the appointment of a liquidator to manage the process of realizing the company assets, ceasing or sale of its operations, payment of its debts (if any) and distribution of surplus assets (if any) among its members.


Striking off a Company

A company may apply to ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) to strike its name off the Register pursuant to Section 344 of the Companies Act. ACRA may approve the application if it has reasonable cause to believe that the company is not carrying on business and the company is able to satisfy the criteria for striking off.


  • 公司一定已经停业了
  • 公司不得参与新加坡境内或境外的任何法庭诉讼
  • The company must have no assets and liabilities at the time of making the application
  • The company must not have any outstanding penalties or offers of composition owing to the Registry
  • 公司不得在新加坡税务局(IRAS)有任何未清的税务负债
  • 公司不能亏欠其他政府部门
  • The officers (e.g. directors and company secretary) of the company must not have any outstanding ACRA summonses against any of them.
  • The particulars of the directors must be the same as in the records of ACRA
  • 所有股东必须同意罢免,公司必须获得每个股东的同意书












能量法,自愿赢ding up of the company needs to be resolved by way of Special Resolution, that is by a majority of not less than 75% of the votes of the members entitled to vote. Furthermore, one or more natural persons who have given their prior written consent must be appointed as liquidator(s). In Singapore, accountants are normally preferred for this position. Subsequently, a second Special Resolution has to be passed, empowering the liquidator(s) to divide all or any of the properties and assets of the company among the members.


With the passing of the special resolution at the EGM, the member’s voluntary liquidation of the company is deemed to have commenced. The liquidator, or provisional liquidator will proceed to wind up the affairs of the company and file the necessary notifications required under the Companies Act.



On the expiration of 3 months after the lodging of the form with the Registrar, the company will be dissolved. However, the court has the power to declare the dissolution of a company to be void at any time within two years after the date of dissolution. The application may be made by the liquidator or any other interested person.

Creditors’ Voluntary Winding Up



  • With effect from the date of passing of the special resolution, the company must cease to carry on its business except insofar as it is required for the beneficial winding up in the opinion of the liquidator.
  • 董事会的权力将终止,除非经清算人同意,股东决定董事会应继续拥有此类权力。
  • 任何股份转让均无效,除非转让给清算人或经清算人批准,且股东的身份不得改变。

Compulsory Winding Up


Your company would normally cease upon liquidation. The liquidator will start to review the assets of the company and the claims of creditors, and look into the conduct of its directors and other related persons to realise your company’s assets in a manner that is in the best interest of the company and its creditors. The liquidator may also carry on the business if he considers it the most beneficial option. The officers of the company are generally deprived of their power to run the company. However, they and any other persons who may have been concerned with the affairs of the company have the duty to assist and co-operate with the liquidator. This includes the submission of a Statement of Affairs on the company’s assets and liabilities.



  • An application may be made to the court to stay or restrain pending proceedings against the company after the presentation of a winding up petition and before a winding up order has been made. After a winding up order has been made or a provisional liquidator has been appointed, a leave of court is needed to commence or proceed with an action against the company.
  • 在法院卷绕迎接后,本公司财产的任何股份及其在本公司的迎接后的地位转移或更改的转让,而没有法院的制裁。
  • 清盘申请书提出后,债权人不得对公司提起或继续提起扣押或执行程序。
  • 有担保债权人处理或变现其对公司资产担保的权利不受清盘令的影响。但如在清盘后六个月内或破产管理署署长所容许的较长期间内,其抵押品仍未变现,则他无权就其债项收取利息。
  • 如果在清盘之前,公司的任何业务是为了挫败或欺诈公司的债权人或出于任何欺诈目的而进行的,则清算人,公司的债权人或者出资人可以向法院申请,由对公司债务负有责任或者曾经参与公司债务活动的人对公司债务承担个人责任。
  • Where there are mutual credits, debts or dealings between the company and a creditor, these dealings may be set off against each other and the creditor or the company can only claim the balance sum due against the other.
  • There can be no claim for set off if at the time of extending credit, the creditor had known that a winding up petition was pending against the company. The rule as to set off operates automatically and is mandatory, in that parties cannot contract out of it.



  • 会计和企业监管机构(ACRA)
  • 中央公积金委员会
  • 新加坡的税务局(IRA)
  • 相关许可机构









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