Business know-how is bred, not born. Getting your business incorporated is one thing, but having it take off requires expertise.
We teamed up with our friends atE27to discuss how we can help you with getting over some of the road bumps when launching your startup in Singapore and issues affecting businesses today; take a look at the full article and meet some of our team members.
从左到右:Jacqueline Low,Coo,亚洲;李梦腾,会计和税头负责人;Sharon Lim,公司秘书长;Kerlyn Teoh,BD Manager;艾琳·亚洲,亚洲银行董事
Entrepreneurs are typically defined as people who aspire to build meaningful and innovative products. While their ambitions are noble, they are still bound by the fundamentals of building a company. That includes; sorting out accounts, and filing legal paperwork — tedious work but necessary.
E27 spoke withSharon Lim谁在Hawksford领导了我们的企业秘书专业人士为客户提供企业咨询和支持,以确保他们符合监管要求和保持最佳实践,标准和公司治理。拥有超过18年的经验,她为Rajah&Tann和Boardroom工作了解。
还阅读: Want to know how ready your startup is to set up shop in Singapore? Take this quiz.
E27 spoke withLee Meng Teng who heads up our Tax and Accounting team in Singapore - a senior chartered accountant with more than 15 years of professional experience. He has worked for the Big Four and Top 10 International Accounting Firms, and has good understanding of business environments across diverse industries.
“For example, many entrepreneurs adopt cash-basis accounting which makes more sense to them: ‘whatever I see in the bank is what I have.’ But the right way is to understand and maintain the accounting books on an accrual basis where revenue and expenses are matched to the period where the business transactions took place.”
Subject to meeting certain qualifying conditions, startups enjoy full tax exemption for the first S$100,000 of their chargeable income for YA2019 and before. But that is said to change to 75 per cent (with effect from YA2020 onwards), as highlighted in新加坡财政部长恒斯帕特凯特的预算2018年讲话.
也在里面Budget 2018 announcement,恒部长表示,新加坡政府将筹集税收扣除商业利用知识产权的许可。这些税收扣除将增加200%,并以每年100,000澳元汇集。
也Read:Turning red tape into a finish line: Founder testimonials for overcoming the challenges of setting up in Singapore
E27 spoke withJacqueline Low, Hawksford’s COO in Asia. She has acted as Company Secretary for several hundred Singapore-based firms over the past 20 years, and managed several corporate secretarial departments for businesses. Having been involved in businesses across Asia, particularly Malaysia, Hong Kong, Brunei and Vietnam, she has developed a unique understanding of how these different jurisdictions work and operate.
不要混淆: Employment Pass (EP)借Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass):在新加坡,有几种类型的工作es. EPs are usually reserved for employees of a company whereas, if you are a business owner looking to relocate your company to Singapore, you can apply for the EntrePass. |
About three years ago the scheme was tightened, and entrepreneurs faced more stringent requirements for example; they needed to be an Incubatee working with a government approved Incubator or needed to have funding from a government approved Venture Capitalist. However, there were entrepreneurs who do not meet these prerequisites, but had the capital and know-how to start a business, and therein lay the quandary.
E27 spoke withKerlyn Teoh who manages and coordinates client services at Hawksford, her role involves understanding a client’s requirement, anticipating possible challenges and delivering solutions that will give international clients one less thing to worry about.
If you have read this far, you would have probably figured out that starting a company isn’t a simply a matter of having the capital and business expertise to start one; there’s a lot of paperwork and checks involved, even for a country as business-friendly as Singapore.
Hawksford offer a complete suite of robust solutions to ensure a company’s business operations runs smoothly from Day 1. They take pride in maintaining a 98 per cent success rate for the companies who engage in their services to becoming successfully incorporated.
创始人提示: Find a corporate services team that carries a wealth of experience并与来自不同行业和背景的企业合作。他们将是准备好花时间倾听客户的需求的人,了解他们的要求并解决他们可能不知道的任何挑战,使他们能够实现他们的野心。 |
“When a company comes to us, we ensure compliance is met with the local authorities and establish whether a license is required. Upon confirmation, we provide the statutory requirements in terms of filing, to ACRA and to IRAS as well. We facilitate regular and ongoing compliance checks and due diligence” shares Kerlyn.
Citing a client case, Kerlyn highlights how her team can also help entrepreneurs whose business filings are in disarray.
“There was a business which did not comply with the necessary requirements and hence were not compliant with the Companies Act, which is an offense. Their annual filings were also not done on time and the necessary registers were not set up which was in breach of the companies act,” says Kerlyn.
可以说,不应低估吸引可靠合作伙伴管理企业事务的重要性。Nitty Gritty业务行政事项,如果没有按顺序排列,会导致长期的强调和不必要的费用,从他们首先启动业务的原因中分散了企业家的分散注意力,建立创新产品。
Disclosure: This article is produced by the e27 branded content team, written in collaboration with Hawksford. The article originally featured on E27's website这里.