Tax planning is an essential part of managing your personal finances. If you are a Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, or a Foreigner who has stayed and worked in Singapore for 183 days or more that year, you will be subjected to income tax.
For resident taxpayers such as these, personal income tax rates are designed to be progressive. This means that higher income earners pay a proportionately higher tax, with the current highest personal income tax rate at 22%.
Is it possible though, to reduce your taxable personal income? We bring you 5 tax-saving tips to help you manage your filings this year.
This is an income relief automatically granted to individuals who are employed or engaged in a trade or business in Singapore. Individuals will be given $1,000, $6,000 and $8,000 tax deductions for ages below 55, between 55 and 59 and above 60 respectively.(B)Course Fees Relief
新加坡积极促进生产力和encourages continuous learning. Individuals who are therefore keen to upgrade their skills and improve their employability can claim relief for courses, seminars or conferences that are related to their current work, or has led to an approved qualification. However, one must be currently employed, or previously employed.
(C)Top Up Your Medisave
We know that CPF contributions are tax deductible, but many in Singapore may not fully maximise their CPF-related tax reliefs. Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents who are employed or self-employed, for instance, can claim tax reliefs when they make voluntary contributions to their Medisave accounts.However, there is a cap on CPF contributions. As of 2016, the maximum amount of mandatory and voluntary contributions a person can make each year is capped at $37,740 where the amount of tax relief given is the lowest of the following:
- Voluntary cash contribution directed specifically to Medisave Account or
- Annual CPF contribution cap for the year, less Mandatory Contribution (MC)* or
- 普遍的基本医疗保健金额(BHS)^,较少在自愿现金贡献之前MEDISAVE账户的余额。
To encourage Singaporeans and Permanent Residents to set aside money for their retirement needs, personal income tax reliefs will be automatically granted if you make cash top-ups in your Special or Retirement Accounts, or in your parents’, grandparents’, spouse’s or siblings’ Special or Retirement Accounts.
The Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) is a voluntary scheme that encourages individuals to save for their retirement, over and above their CPF savings. It is operated by the private sector, who use the funds to purchase various investment instruments.
(F)Handicapped Family Members
As Singapore moves towards an inclusive society, tax deductions are given to recognise individuals who are supporting their handicapped spouses, child, parents, grandparents, or siblings.
Individuals can claim tax relief if they have premiums paid on their own or their wife’s life insurance policies. However, one’s total compulsory and voluntary CPF contributions must not exceed $5,000 in a year.This tax relief, however, does not extend to life insurance policies purchased by a married woman for her husband. It also does not extend to life insurance policies purchased by parents for their children.
(H)NSman (Self) Relief
Wives and parents of NSmen are also eligible for the relief.
(I)Foreign Maid Levy Relief
To encourage women to stay in the workforce, women who are married, divorced or widowed with school-going children can claim relief for foreign domestic worker levy paid. For instance, if the husband pays this levy at normal rates (e.g. $3,180 a year), the wife may claim Foreign Maid Levy Relief, which is twice the total amount paid by the husband that year (i.e. $6,360).
This relief, however, does not extend to singles and married men.
(J)Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR)
The Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR) is given to tax residents to encourage them to have more children. To qualify, you must be a Singapore tax resident who is married, divorced or widowed in the relevant year. Eligible parent may claim tax rebates of up to $20,000 per child.3.Make a Charitable Donation
If you have made cash donations to approved Institutions of Public Character (IPCs) or to the Singapore Government, you will qualify for tax deductions. These donations will be deducted against your statutory income (which includes your employment, trade income, etc.) before arriving at your assessable income.
To build a stronger sense of community, the Government has in place 250% tax deductions for qualifying donations from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018. For instance, if your total statutory income in a particular year is $100,000 and you donated $10,000 to an IPC, your assessable income would only amount to $75,000 (i.e. your statutory income less 2.5 times the amount donated).
Rental income is liable to tax in Singapore. However, the Government offers tax deductions on expenses incurred for the purpose of producing the rental income, as well as expenses incurred during the period of tenancy. Examples of such expenditures may include property taxes, fire insurance, repairs and utility expenses.
The amount of deemed deductible expenses allowable is determined based on 15% of the gross rental income derived from the letting of a residential property. In addition, interests on loans taken to purchase that property can be included as a deductible expense.
5。Claim Qualifying Business Expenses
From Year of Assessment (YA) 2018, the total amount of all personal tax reliefs claimed will be capped at $80,000 per YA. This means that it may be worthwhile taking a closer look at our tax yields before making additional voluntary contributions, which could be non-refundable.
However, as it stands, Singapore’s income tax rates for their tax resident are among the lowest in the world. Your first $20,000 is tax-exempted, while the tax paid by top-tier earners is just 22 per cent of their annual income – an amount the average earner in countries like Australia pays.
This is yet another reason why Singapore is dubbed the most business-friendly economy in the world, and remains the preferred destination for business incorporation.