Singapore Payroll Regulations – What You Need to Know?
薪酬是指报酬,包括雇主与雇员在服务合同或就业合同合同之间商定的津贴。它包括基本的薪酬,奖励,委员会,奖金和津贴。工资不包括雇主为住房,旅行,公用事业,医疗或其他类似福利提供的福利。重要的是要注意新加坡没有最低工资法。薪资是雇主和雇员之间的相互商达金额。它可以在双方之间进行谈判。Though there is no minimum wage legislation generally, there are exceptions such as, in the case of foreigners who are under Work Passes (i.e. Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit), they must meet the minimum salary criteria for their respective passes in order to qualify.. Likewise, the government has earmarked companies in the cleaning, security and landscape industries, for minimum salary to workers. Companies in the cleaning sector is the first to have the Progressive Wage Model, whereby they are required to pay a basic wage of S$1,000 per month for their workers as a mandatory licensing requirement.付款频率
In general, an employee must be paid at least once a month and it must be paid within seven days from the end of the salary period. Payments for overtime work must be made within 14 days from the end of salary period. However there are a few exceptions as below:
Situation | 薪水付款 |
Dismissal/ Termination of Employee | On the last day of employment or within 3 days from the date of dismissal or termination |
雇员辞职并申请通知期 | On the last day of employment |
Resignation by the employee and does not serve notice period | Within 7 days from the last day of employment |
Method of Payment
Itemized Pay slips
From 1 April 2016, employers are required to give itemized pay slips to all employees covered under the EA and such pay slips must be given along with the payment of salary or within three days from the payment of salary. In case of termination or dismissal, pay slips must be given along with the payment of outstanding salary. It may be a hard or soft copy, though hand written pay slips are also permissible. The following details must be included in the pay slip.
- Name of employer and employee
- Date of payment
- 基础工资
- Salary Period – start and end date
- Allowances
- Any other pay such as, bonuses, rest day pay, public holiday pay etc
- Deductions made
- Overtime hours worked
- 加班费
- Start and end date of overtime pay period (if different from salary period)
- 净薪资支付
Record Keeping
The employer must keep records of the pay slips in either soft or hard copy. In the case of current employees, records must be kept for the latest two years and in the case of former employees, the records for the last two years must be maintained for a period of one year after the employees leave the employment. In addition to the salary records, the employer must also keep records of employees. The Employee Records must contain the following information.
- Address of employee
- 数量/工作通行证号码和到期日
- 性别
- 雇佣开始日期
- Date of leaving employment
- Working hours – including duration of breaks
- 休假日期和公众假期
Employers may deduct salary only for reasons allowed under the Act, or if ordered by the Court. Such authorized deductions can be made for the following:
- 因为没有工作(没有有效的原因或通知)
- For damage or loss of goods or money that the employee was accountable for. But it must be noted that such deduction is allowed only after an inquiry is held and the deduction must not exceed 25% of the monthly salary of the employee. Such deductions can be made as a one-time deduction only.
- For cost of meals supplied at the request of the employee.
- For the cost of accommodation, amenities and services agreed and accepted by the employee and such deduction cannot exceed the value of the supplies made and cannot be more than 25% of the monthly salary.
- 恢复促进,贷款或超额薪水。必须指出的是,对于预付款和贷款,可以在分期付款中扣除不超过12个月的时间分批进行,每次扣除不能超过月薪的25%。在过度补偿的情况下,可以从员工中完全扣除专业金额。
- 对于CPF捐款
- 对于批准的计划
- For payment to any registered cooperative society, with the employee’s consent
- For any other purposes approved by the Ministry of Manpower
The maximum amount of deduction for a salary period is limited to 50% of the total salary. This does not include deduction made for absence from work, recovery of advances/loans, income tax, and payments to the registered societies that the employee has consented. However, in case of termination, the cap on deduction is not applicable, and the employer is allowed to deduct for all outstanding amounts owed by the employee.
Monthly Variable Component
The failure to pay salary in accordance with the EA constitutes an offence under the EA. A first-time offender will be liable to a fine of between $3,000 and $15,000 and/or 6 months’ imprisonment. A subsequent offence will be liable to a fine of between $6,000 and $30,000 and/or 12 months’ imprisonment.
Calculating Salary
:这是一个员工的基本工资是entitled according to the employment contract and does not include allowances, bonuses, incentives or reimbursements paid to the employee. Basic rate of pay is used to compute the pay for working on a rest day or public holiday and overtime pay. It is computed as follows
12 x monthly basic rate of pay
52 x average number of days an employee is required to work in a week
This is the money payable, including allowances, to an employee for one month. But this does not include bonuses, reimbursements, incentives and allowances paid for food, travelling and housing. This is used to compute payment for paid leave/holiday, absence from work, salary in lieu of notice of termination.
Incomplete Month and wages
A ‘complete month’ for the purpose of salary is defined as any month of a calendar year. The working days of the month excludes rest days and non- working days but includes public holidays.
A situation to compute wages for an incomplete month may arise in the following scenarios, when an employee
- Starts work after the first day of the month
- 在本月的最后一天之前留下就业
- 在本月休假一天或更长时间
{Monthly gross rate of pay/ Total number of working days in that month}* Actual days worked
Payment for Work done on Public Holiday
所有员工在EA有权11 paid public holidays a year and the employee and employer may mutually agree to substitute a public holiday for any other day. However, if the employee is on an unauthorised leave or on an approved unpaid leave on the day before or after the public holiday, he is not entitled to public holiday pay.
If situation warrants, the employer may require the employee to work on a public holiday. In that case, the employer must pay an extra day’s salary at the basic rate of pay. If the employee works beyond the normal working hours on a public holiday he must be paid at least 1.5 times of his basic rate of pay as overtime payment.
Payment for Rest Day Work
Rest day can be a Sunday or any other day that is mutually agreed. It is an unpaid day. The maximum number of working days between two rest days is 12 days.
If work is done at employee’s request:
Half day’s salary if employee works for half of the normal daily working hours
One day’s salary if employee works more than half of the normal working hours
Overtime Payment
Employer must pay overtime wages if an employee is required to work beyond the specified hours of work. Such overtime cannot exceed 72 hours in a month, but this excludes work done within normal working hours during rest days or public holiday.
- Workmen earning not more than $4,500 basic monthly salary and
- Non-workmen employees earning not more than $2,500 basic monthly salaries
Paid Leave
Depending on the period of service with the employer an employee is entitled to paid annual leave, which is 7 days for employees with period of one year of service. The annual leave entitlement increases by 1 day per year additional year of service thereafter and is capped at a maximum of 14 days for employees whose service exceeds 8 years and above. If the employee does not have adequate annual leave the employer may allow him to avail unpaid leave.
Annual leave can be encashed in the event of termination, resignation or at the employer’s discretion or based on contractual terms between the employer and employee.
Paid Sick Leave
The employer is legally obliged to bear the medical consultation fees for an employee who has worked for at least three months. The employer is obliged to bear cost such as medication, ward charges etc, depending on the medical benefits provided for in the employee’s employment contract or the collective agreement signed between the company and the union.
走vernment Paid Leave Schemes
In order to conjure a pro-family system and to support young families, the government introduced several paid leave schemes, apart from the standard maternity leave (16 weeks). These schemes include childcare leave, extended childcare leave, paternity leave, shared paternal leave and adoption leave. Employers must take note of these paid leave scheme and are obliged to honour such leave applications by their employees.