Companies in Singapore are increasingly making use of the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC), a scheme introduced in 2010, to support companies to adopt technology and automation to reduce their reliance on manpower. This initiative, which extends tax reduction to large companies and cash pay-outs to small companies, was a move to address the labour crunch that resulted due to economic restructuring. The purpose is to reduce the reliance on foreign manpower and propelling the nation towards an innovation driven economy.
IRAS对公司制造的不法税收索赔非常严重。当局已成为可疑索赔警惕,并自去年11月以来强制执行严格的规定,以确认索赔的合法性。根据该计划,唯一的企业,伙伴关系,公司和注册信托的企业都符合现金支出。一些行业观察者认为,新业务形成的突然飙升 - 特别是在去年初的唯一所有权和伙伴关系 - 是由滥用该计划的意图驱动的。它可能是部分成立的,因为在新规定通过后,上季度此类实体的业务形成数量恢复正常。
Besides the fact that the company or business making the claim must be actively engaged in business, there are two key criteria in the regulations to curb wrongful claims they are:1。 三个员工条件
A business meets the three-local-employee condition if it makes CPF contributions for at least three local employees (Singapore Citizens or PRs) in the relevant month(s). Regardless of them being employed on a fulltime or part-time basis, they must be of employable nature and worth to the company. It must be noted that sole-proprietor, partners or the shareholders working as director of a business will not be taken into account as employees.
The following anti-abuse measures are in place to prevent fraudulent claims that are either fictitious or inflated:
辱骂安排的描述 | 禁止的图片福利数量 |
It consists of or uses artificial, contrived or fraudulent means. | 从使用人工,学生或欺诈手段时产生的那部分照片益处。 |
为商品/服务支付的金额超出了其开放的市场价值,无恐惧商业原因。 | PIC benefits computed based on the difference between the amount paid by the business and the open market value. |
没有真正的商业理由进入安排。 | 完整的图片的好处。 |
The authorities will subject suspicious claims to comprehensive and extensive investigations. Common signs of fraudulent claims include:
- 壳牌公司或独资人员由不采取任何形式的现役业务和通过勾结相关方制作发票的人。他们还将CPF与朋友或亲属作为就业证明的贡献,而他们主要是幻影工人。未能证明BONA FIDE商业和宗旨,索赔的福利将被拒绝。可以命令进一步的刑事调查。
- No bona fide commercial reasons: Two or more colluding parties set up companies and businesses, to sell and buy among themselves PIC qualifying products or services, merely for the purpose of cash pay-out without any bona fide commercial reasons. If investigations prove guilty, the claims will be disallowed and a criminal investigation may be ordered.
- 不成比例的收入和支出:制作虚假主张的公司显示出对不成比例低收入的高度膨胀费用。同样,在调查揭示错误索赔和刑事调查时,将不允许申请索赔。
Always engage a professional consultant
Engaging a professional consultant like霍克福德新加坡将为您提供对索赔的全面审查,并建议您将获得的内容以及不允许的内容。处理多个索赔人的顾问具有丰富的知识,并具有管理各种情景和索赔类型的经验。因此,顾问将能够帮助您避免所有陷阱并跟随requirements set by IRAS, so as to avoid any undesirable investigations, which may harm the reputation of your business. Besides, the process of submitting the claims can be speeded and when the papers and documentations are proper, the tax authorities will not hold up the payment of the claims. It is a prudent move to engage a professional, albeit the costs incurred, the benefits score well.