新加坡旅游局)预测旅游再保险ceipts to be in the range of S$22.0 to $22.4 billion (0 – 2%) and international visitor arrivals in the range of 15.2 to 15.7 million (0 – 3%) for 2016. Global economic growth may be hampered by the slower growth momentum of the Chinese and US economies as well as uncertainties such as ongoing reforms in China and the impact of the normalisation of the US monetary conditions. Increasing regional competition will also pose challenges to Singapore’s tourism sector. At the same time, Singapore remains poised to benefit from the projected growth in outbound travel in the Asia Pacific region3. The pipeline for business events also continues to be strong.
The strong growth in YTD 3Q 2016 TR was on the back of higher expenditure in Shopping, Accommodation and Food & Beverage. This helped to offset the fall in Sightseeing, Entertainment & Gaming (SEG) that was due largely to a decline in gaming revenue as reported by the integrated resorts.
In the third quarter of 2016 (Q3), IVA grew 4 per cent year-on-year to reach 4.2 million visitors. TR in Q3 2016 grew 14 per cent over the same period in 2015 to reach $6.9 billion. Gazetted hotel room revenue for Q3 2016 came in at an estimated S$0.9 billion, a 2.3 per cent year-on-year increase.According to recent economic forecasts, room revenue is set to register a 10-12% growth year-on-year while average hotel occupancy is expected to hover around 82.6% in 2016. Singapore also receives an eclectic mix of tourists and travellers ranging from the jet setters to business travellers to the humble backpackers. Thus, there is good business scope for luxury hotels, boutique hotels, mid-range hotels, and even backpacker hostels. Given that it is an opportune time for hoteliers to cash in on the market opportunities in Singapore, leading international hotel chains and boutique hotels are fast expanding their presence in the city-state.This article provides information on how to set up a hotel, lodging or boarding house in Singapore. Note that the information provided here is for general guidance only and is not meant to replace professional advice.
Who requires a Certificate of Registration and Hotel-Keeper’s license?Under the Hotels Act, any person who wishes to operate a hotel in Singapore, including a lodging house, boarding house, or guest house must obtain from the Hotels Licensing Board a Certificate of Registration to use the premises as a hotel and a Hotel-Keeper’s License to manage the hotel.注册证书和Hotel-Kider的许可证的先决条件
- Business Incorporation:The hotel must first be registered as a Singapore company, business, or limited liability partnership with the Singapore Companies Registrar, ACRA. For more details on incorporating a company in Singapore, refer toSingapore Company Registration指导。
- Approval of Premises:在申请许可之前,有必要从新加坡申请新加坡的城市重建权威,以利用拟议的经营酒店批准。
- 任命一个酒店守门员:必须委任行政总裁或总经理,以处理酒店的行政事务。
- 广告应用程序:申请人必须在提交注册证书申请日期的十四天内以规定格式宣传海峡时报(英语每日)和连河枣(中国日报)申请。
- Clearance from National Environment Agency:有必要从新加坡国家环境局规划和发展部获得清关证明(临时占用许可证)或合规证书(法定完成证书)。
- 消防安全部的批准:必须从新加坡消防安全局采购临时消防许可证(TFP)或消防安全证书(FSC)。
- Approval from Building Construction Authority:必须从新加坡的建筑施工管理局获得临时占用许可证(TOP)或法定完成证书。
- The license application procedure consists of submitting the application form along with the following supporting documents to the Hotels Licensing Board:
- 新加坡城市重建机构的书面批准授权。
- 拟议的酒店 - 守门员的简历。
- 表明拟议拟议业务业务日期的求职信。
- 海峡时报和联河枣泽发布的广告副本。
- A copy of all the permits, approvals and certificates from the various agencies as listed above.
- It normally takes three weeks to process a successful application, provided there are no objections within 14 days of the date of advertisement.
- 许可证有效期至每年12月,此后每年可再生。
- A license fee of S$100 is payable upon issuance of the license and an annual registration fee ranging between S$200-S$400 is payable depending upon the number of rooms in the hotel.
Non-Residential TV License
Who requires a Non-Residential TV License?
非住宅电视许可证必须获得the Media Development Authority of Singapore for operating or having any broadcasting apparatus on the said premises, which is capable of receiving broadcasting signals. These include personal computers, which are enabled to receive TV programmes.
Note that prior to applying for this license the hotel must first be registered as a Singapore company, business, or limited liability partnership with the Singapore companies Registrar, ACRA.
The application procedure involves submitting a license application to the Media Development Authority of Singapore and paying a license fee of S$110 per TV set. If more than 90% of the hotel rooms are installed with TV sets, the annual license fee is $82.50 per TV set. It normally takes five working days to process a successful application, upon which the license will be issued for a one-year validity period.
Public Entertainment License/ Arts Entertainment License
- Individuals or organizations can apply for the Public/Arts Entertainment License. An individual applying on behalf of an organization should either be a Singapore citizen, a Singapore Permanent Resident or a foreigner on a valid Employment Pass.
- Before applying for the license you must obtain the approval of other relevant authorities such as approval from the Urban Redevelopment Authority for premises that is to be used for the event, Fire Safety Certificate from Singapore Civil Defence Force etc.
- If a license is granted, conditions may be imposed by the Licensing Officer for certain types of events such as fashion shows or beauty pageants.
- 申请程序涉及提交申请表以及以下支持文件并支付许可费:
- 对于戏剧,播放读数和诗歌Readitals:一组最终的概要和脚本。
- 艺术展:每张展览的照片。
- 对于种类,舞蹈和流行音乐/摇滚音乐会:舞台定位的计划,原始歌曲标题和歌词(如适用)。
- Successful applications will be processed within one week (for Public Entertainment License) or 8 weeks (for Arts Entertainment License), upon which the License will be issued.
Public Establishment License
Public Establishment License Application Procedure
- Individuals or organizations can apply for the Public Establishment License. An individual applying on behalf of an organization should either be a Singapore citizen, a Singapore Permanent Resident or a foreigner on a valid Employment Pass.
- Before applying for the license you must obtain the approval of other relevant authorities such as approval from the Urban Redevelopment Authority for premises that is to be used for the event, Fire Safety Certificate from Singapore Civil Defence Force etc.
- The application procedure involves completing and submitting an application form and paying an annual license fee of S$260 – S$1,200 depending on the type of entertainment and permitted operating hours of your establishment.
- The Public Establishment License is issued by the Singapore Police Force and is normally valid for a one-year period.
Copyright Permit
如果您打算播放或复制版权所有的音乐和/或视频,您必须在使用受版权保护的作品之前寻求版权所有者的许可。版权所有者通常由新加坡的作曲家和作者协会等集体管理组织代表(代表作曲家和抒情家);Horizo n Muster Entertainment Pte Ltd(代表一个特定的录制标签组);
InnoForm Entertainment Pte Ltd (represents major record labels); Recording Industry Performance Pte Ltd (represents major record labels). If the event organized involves the public performance or reproduction of musical works or lyrics, you must apply for a Copyright Permit for public performance rights and/or reproduction rights from the relevant CMO. Typically, the following activities require a Copyright Permit: Playing music from original media such as CDs, featuring live bands, showing music videos or karaoke videos from original media such as VCDs or DVDs, playing music which has been copied from original media such as digitized music from a computer or hard disk, etc. The application procedure involves submitting an application form to the relevant CMO and paying the permit fee as applicable. Successful applications will be processed within 2-3 weeks, upon which the Permit will be issued.
- Halal Certification: The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, commonly known as MUIS, issues Halal certification in relation to any halal product, service or activity. You can voluntarily apply for halal certification under the Eating Establishment Scheme (certifying that your hotel restaurants serve halal food) or Food Preparation Area Scheme (certifying that your hotel operates a halal kitchen). For more details, refer to清真认证进食建立计划和清真认证食品制备区计划。
- 按摩建立许可证:如果酒店设有水疗中心,并计划提供按摩服务,脚踏性服务和修指甲护理,必须从新加坡警察部队获得按摩服务许可证。请注意,有一定的许可条件和Massage Establishment Rules必须遵守这一点。它通常需要12个工作日来处理成功的申请,颁发许可证。年度持牌费用为525美元的牌照在申请日期的三周内应付。
- Money Changer的许可证:如果您打算在您的酒店购买或销售商业票据的货币兑换房屋,则必须从新加坡的货币权威获取货币兑换商。
允许购买,储存和使用危险物质:如果您计划购买,储存或使用酒店的清洁和洗衣业务的危险物质,您必须获得新加坡国家环境署的危险物质许可。 - 游泳池许可证:游泳池许可证必须从国家环境署的环境卫生部门获得,以便在酒店运营游泳池。申请程序涉及提交申请表以及支持文档,如游泳池的缩放布局计划;游泳池和过滤系统的细节;公司公司成立证书bob软件;细菌学和化学水采样结果。它通常需要两周时间来处理成功的申请,许可证将发出一年的有效期。许可证成本为120美元。
- 烟草零售许可证:烟草零售许可证是在酒店房地上出售烟草产品的健康科学局。它通常需要四个工作日来处理成功的申请,并将授权颁发一年的有效期。许可证成本为360美元。
- 经营食品加工机构的许可:如果您想为批发和零售商分销,您希望为制造,加工,准备或包装食品的食品设施,您将需要新加坡农业食品和兽医授权。一旦遵守必要的健康要求,您将获得许可证。根据食品成立的规模,年度许可费因S $ 180至600美元而异。
- 注册以进口食品和食品用品:与新加坡农业食品和兽医授权的注册对于进口食品和食品用具进入新加坡至关重要。有关详细信息,请参阅我们的指南Importing Food Products to Singapore。
- 石油/易燃材料存储许可证:除非特别豁免,否则石油/易燃材料储存许可证必须从新加坡民防部队(SCDF),消防安全和庇护所(FSSD),消防安全和庇护所(FSSD),除非特别豁免。它通常需要七个工作日来处理成功的申请,许可证将发出一年或两年的有效期。根据存储量,许可证费用从70元至1,200美元之间变化。
- Advertisement License:This license is required for displaying outdoor advertisement signage such as sky signs and electronic billboards.
- General Radio Communication License:您必须通过无线电通信获取此许可证以通过无线电通信发送或接收消息。
- 本地化私人网络许可证:In order to establish and provide localized private network services such as use of walkie talkie services within a localized area you will need to obtain this license.
- 本地化无线电通信许可证:This license must be obtained for the operation of remote control devices, local area paging devices, transceivers (walkie talkies), telemetry or alarm systems, wireless data or voice systems (e.g wireless LAN) and any other radio-communication equipment authorised by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore.
- 广域私人网络许可证:建立和提供广域私人网络服务所需,例如在非本地化区域内使用Walkie Talkie服务。
- 排放贸易流出的许可:对于从您的业务活动产生(如果有的话)将贸易流出物中删除到诸如开放渠等游览中,您必须获得此许可证。
- 批准处所:新加坡(URA)城市重建权威的批准是向保护建设的补充或改变。在建筑物和建筑机构(BCA)的事先批准,以便在您的保护建设上显示迹象。如果您计划执行任何消防安全工作,则必须获得新加坡民防部队的批准。
On a Final Note
As outlined, above there are several licenses and approvals to be procured in order to set up a hotel or boarding house in Singapore. It is therefore advisable to engage a professional services firm to obtain the licenses on your behalf.