Subsidiary Registration Frequently Asked Questions
- 如果我要注册新加坡子公司而不是一个分支机构,我可以获得什么税收激励?
- 避免新加坡已缔结与条约国家的双税协议(DTA)赋予的福利
- 根据所得税法案第13(8)条,外国股息和外资服务收入的所得税豁免;
- 提供了您的公司满足资格状况,您可能有资格获得新启动公司的所得税豁免计划
- 合并新加坡子公司需要多长时间?
- 名称预订。在纳入子公司之前,必须先保留其名称。假设未提出的名称没有异议,名称预订过程可以在不到一小时内完成。但是,如果名称与现有名称冲突或拟议名称包含有关当局可能需要审查的一些敏感词汇,则姓名审批程序可能会延迟到几天或几周内。
- 签署纳入文件。bob软件如果您在新加坡,这是一个快速而简单的过程。但是,如果您位于海外,则签署和发送签名文件所涉及的物流可能需要几天。
- 新加坡子公司的有薪资本要求是什么?
Minimum paidup capital requirement for a Singapore subsidiary company is $1. The paidup capital can be in listed in Singapore dollar or any other major currency. The concept of authorized capital has been abolished in Singapore. Whatever capital you list is treated as paidup capital and you will be required to inject this amount into the company. Paidup capital of the company can be freely utilized towards company's business expenses. There is no requirement that this money must be locked in the bank account for any specific period of time.
How much paidup capital you should have for your company depends more on your business plans than anything else. Having a higher paidup capital will add credibility to your company when you are dealing with your suppliers, banks, etc. If you plan to apply for work passes for foreign staff, a higher paidup capital will be looked more favorably by Ministry of Manpower. There may also be specific paidup capital requirements for certain business licenses such as travel agency license, recruitment agency license, financial services license, etc.
在此选项下,您可以在注册子公司注册后随时增加薪资资本。在这种情况下,该过程如下:- 将公司与名义养老金合并;
- 开放公司银行账户;
- 将资金注入银行账户并通知我们;
- We will then prepare and file the necessary paperwork with Company Registrar to reflect the revised paidup capital of the subsidiary company. Note that a fee will apply for this service.
- 新加坡子公司需要地方住吗nt director?
Yes, a Singapore subsidiary company is required to have at least one local resident director. In order to qualify as locally resident, the person must be:
- Singapore citizen; or
- 新加坡永久居民;或者
- Employment Pass holder (the Employment Pass should be from the same company for which he/she is acting as a director); or
- 依赖传递持有人与同意书
- Are we required to visit Singapore to register our subsidiary company?
No, you are not required to visit Singapore to incorporate your subsidiary company. We can work with you via emails and document couriering in order to get the necessary work done. However for the bank account opening, a visit to Singapore might be a good idea. Almost all banks require an interview with the stakeholders and the process can go a lot smoother if there is a face-to-face meeting between you and the bank officer. For most banks, we are able to arrange the meeting at our own office. If however you are not able to visit Singapore, the bank may be able to conduct remote interview and the due-diligence process can take longer.
- As a foreign company, should we register a subsidiary or a branch in Singapore?
- 子公司的负债未延长至其母公司。
- A subsidiary is not restricted to the business activities of its parent company.
- 子公司可以利用当地公司提供的税收休息和激励措施。
- 附属公司不需要提交其母公司的财务账户。
- 外国公司可以是新加坡子公司100%股东吗?
Yes, Singapore Companies Act allows for 100% ownership of Singapore companies by foreign entities.
- What are the minimum requirements for registration of a Singapore subsidiary?
Each Singapore subsidiary company shall satisfy the following minimum statutory requirements as per the Singapore Companies Act:
- A local company secretary
- 本地注册地址
- 当地居民总监
- S $ 1的最低薪资资本
- 公司名称是否需要在纳入子公司之前要求?bob软件
Once you have engaged our incorporation service, we will immediately file the name approval application for your subsidiary prior to preparing the incorporation documents. After the name approval application has been filed, Company Registrar normally will inform of the application outcome within one hour. There are three possible outcomes as listed below:
Outcome 1 - Name is Approved
Outcome 2: Name is Referred
What does "name is referred" mean? It means that the name application has been referred to a relevant government authority for review and approval. This typically happens when the subsidiary name contains one or more words that could imply a specific type of business activity which is a regulated business activity in Singapore. Examples include "financial", "bank", "school", "media", "publishing", etc.
Outcome 3: Name is Rejected
If the name is found to be similar/identical to an existing name or containing non-desirable keyword(s), the name will be rejected by the Company Registrar. If the name is rejected, there are two available options:
- 如果姓名应批准的固体原因,可以通过提供适当的理由提交给当局的上诉。上诉的名称占用3-5天进行处理。
- Submit another name for approval