
If you are a serious entrepreneur, high calibre innovator or experienced investor looking to set up a company in Singapore, the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) is a work visa designed for you. Here, we answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the EntrePass.

  • 处理转帐申请需要多长时间?

    An estimated timeline is as follows:

    • 起草商业计划书和准备Entrepass申请表需要大约2周的时间。
    • 一旦提交,当局将需要8周左右的时间审查申请,并通知你结果。
    • The authority will issue you an In-principal Approval (IPA) letter, which gives you 6 months to visit Singapore and collect your EntrePass.
  • Will you prepare a business plan for my EntrePass application?


  • 我拥有一家公司30%以上的股份。我应该申请转学证还是就业证?

    • 如果你想在组建公司之前申请工作签证,你只能申请企业家通行证(EntrePass)。
    • 如果你有一家成立不到6个月的公司,当局通常会建议你申请转业证(而不是就业证)。尽管如此,仍然可以申请就业证,这需要得到当局的批准。
    • 如果你的公司更加than 6 months old, you can only apply for the Employment Pass. In this situation, the authorities will look into how active your company has been since incorporation and may ask for the company accounts, contracts, etc.

  • 转口申请成功的重要因素是什么?

    Key factors include:

    • The quality of your business idea. Is it entrepreneurial in nature? Will it generate local employment? Does it have the potential to grow big?
    • How innovative your business idea is. Do you have substantial funding from a venture capitalist or accredited angel investor? Are you undergoing any research collaboration with a recognised institution? Are you part of any incubation scheme in Singapore?
    • 你的个人证件。你有资格从事这个商业创意吗?你以前的经验与你提出的商业想法有关吗?
    • Proposed investment. How much money are you planning to invest into the business? Is it your personal money or borrowed money? Note that the minimum recommended amount is S$50,000.
  • 谁有资格申请企业家通行证?


  • Is a medical test required when applying for EntrePass?

    When your Singapore work visa or permanent residence application is approved, authorities may require you to undergo a medical test. This will be indicated in your approval letter. Typically, the medical test includes a physical examination and some blood tests (to rule out serious diseases) and would usually require you to undergo an HIV Test and a Chest X-Ray. The physician will need to sign a form that will be attached to the approval letter.



  • 我不是公司的股东。我能申请转机吗?

    No. If you are not a shareholder or have less than 30% shares in the company, you cannot apply for the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass). You can, however, apply for Employment Pass, assuming that you are going to be employed by the company.

  • 我需要去新加坡申请转机吗?


  • 评估转机续费的“企业总开支”标准是什么定义?

    Total Business Spending (TBS) is the total operation expense as indicated in the audited financial statements, except for: (a) royalties/franchise fees/know how fees to overseas companies; (b) work subcontracted to overseas companies; and (c) remuneration to applicant and immediate family.

  • 我能申请有效期超过一年的转机吗?

    A newly issued and renewed EntrePasses would be valid for a period of up to one year. If the applicant needs a longer duration, he or she will need to put forth the reason and it can be looked into on a case by case basis.

  • 我是现有的转机持有人。我需要满足新的创新标准吗?

    No. Existing EntrePass holders can continue to operate their businesses without the need to meet the innovation criteria. However, please note that you will need to ensure that you apply for renewal on time. If you are late in the renewal application of your pass, you will be subjected to the new criteria.

  • 如果我从风险资本家那里获得了投资,我如何证明我的创新?




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