Singapore Permanent Residence Scheme for Singapore Work Pass Holders
Step 1: Decide when to apply for PR
The first question that typically comes to the mind of the majority of work pass holders is "when can I apply for my Singapore PR"? Theoretically, you can make the application the day you start working in the country as an Employment Pass (EP) holder. However, one of the application requirements is to provide six months’ of payslips from your Singapore employer. This also means that you should wait at least six months from the day you start work to apply for your PR.
Realistically, how soon you can apply for PR status also depends on the type of employment pass you are holding and the unofficial annual quota set by the government.
- Your education background. Singapore authorities give a lot of weight to your degree and the institute from where you graduated.
- Your physical stay in Singapore. The longer your physical stay in Singapore, the more the authorities are convinced that you plan to reside in Singapore permanently.
- 您的工作背景和您的工作稳定性
- 雇主的凭据(更成熟的公司,越好)
- 你的薪水和金融福祉
- Your character (such as whether or not you are a law-abiding citizen)
- 您的家庭在新加坡领带。如果您在此处有家庭关系,则被认为是积极因素。
- 您对社会的慈善捐款,如志愿者,捐赠等。
Step 3: Decide on PR filing for your children
For your convenience, you can download the necessary forms online byclicking here。具体来说,下载标题为4A的两种形式,并附上PTS方案列出的4A。
The second document contains explanatory notes on Form 4A and this is the document you need to pay attention to first. Read this document and get ready to prepare the supporting documents as explained in the next section.
The first order of business after you have downloaded and read the necessary documents is to submit the application online. You will need to start compiling the supporting documents. The list of supporting documents required is provided in the explanatory notes and documents list in Form 4A. Here are some additional helpful guidelines that you should take into account:
- 对于每个支持文档,制作扫描的副本并保持原始方便。在在线提交PR应用程序时,您将被要求上传扫描的副本。
- If you have any document that’s not in English, you must produce an official English translation of the document. The safest approach is to get it translated and stamped through your embassy. Make sure to scan the originals of both non-English and English translated versions of the document.
- 以前的雇佣委任信,绩效评估报告,建议信是有用的。如有必要,请联系您以前的雇主。
- If you have purchased a property in Singapore, include the documents that provide the necessary proof. This will be considered a positive factor both in terms of your financial position as well as your longer-term intention of staying in Singapore.
- 确保您还附上CV /恢复最新副本。
- 准备求职信是一个好主意,其中您可以阐明您对新加坡的热爱,您的财务和家庭稳定,您成为新加坡公关的决定,以及您附加应用程序的支持文件列表。
Step 6: Completing the PR application form
- 按时间顺序写下您的教育和就业历史。
- In the education qualifications section, list out your high school diploma and anything higher. You do not need to list educational details prior to high school.
- If you cannot produce an appropriate certificate for a degree or diploma education that you have completed, don’t list it. Otherwise, it might create unnecessary delays where authorities might send you a letter saying that you need to produce the necessary document for verification purpose in order to further process your application.
- 您的配偶和儿童的细节也将以相同的申请表格完成。即使您没有为您的任何家庭成员(配偶或儿童)申请PR,您仍然需要在申请中提供他们的细节。对于每个家庭成员,有一个领域您将指示您是否正在为此家庭成员申请PR。
- 询问您的雇主填写附件A(即“公关申请表的最后一页,以”申请4A的附件A(永久居住申请)“)。此表格的完成是作为确认提供的信息是准确的,有效的信息才不是意味着公司的赞助。
虽然国家形式,它将带你的应用roximately 30 minutes to complete, in reality, you will probably end up spending a few hours to complete the PR application form. The next part of this guide (Part II) will describe the actual submission procedure for the application as well as what to do once your PR application is approved or rejected.
Next Reading:新加坡公关申请文件 - 第二部分
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