新加坡公民身份Application Filing Guide
- 至少21岁的人,并且是一个新加坡永久居民(SPR)在申请日期之前至少2至6年。
- 新加坡公民的配偶2-year PR and married for at least 2 years preceding the date of application.
- 新加坡外面出生的孩子,其父母是新加坡公民。
- 在永久停留时间段期间追踪新加坡生活的记录
- 你的良好性格和法律遵守自然
- 您对新加坡的社会和金融“投资”表明您打算长期留在新加坡
- 您能够成为新加坡的资产,而不是责任。换句话说,您为您和您的家人生成收入的能力(作为员工或企业所有者)以及您的整体财务实力
- 现有护照
- Birth Certificate
- 结婚证;离婚证书;分离契约
- PR卡和公关证书
- 教育证书(高中及以上)
- Death Certificate of ex-spouse, proof of child/children’s custody from previous marriage, if applicable
- 契约轮询或宗教证书的姓名,如果有的话
- Foreign citizenship certificate
- A letter of employment from current employer
- 最近3年的评估所得税通知
- Payslips for last 6 months and CPF contributions history for last 12 months, if employed
- Latest ACRA business profile and balance sheet/profit and loss account of your business in case you are a business owner
- Cover Letter. It’s good idea to include a cover letter along with the application that summarizes key points of your application (why you have decided to apply for Singapore citizenship, the roots you have established in Singapore, your financial strength, and other positive factors about your application)
- 如果您在新加坡购买了任何属性,请在支持文档中包含证明
- 如果您有重大的金融资产,则包括其证据
Once you have completed the citizenship application and prepared the supporting documents, you will need to visit theICA网站and submit your application through the available options:
- 在线提交Viae-SC (Electronic Singapore Citizenship Application)。在提交S-SC应用程序后,您必须选择约会日期。
- 完成新加坡公民身份申请表并附上所有支持文件,然后通过ICA在线预约电子预约预订系统在ICA亲自提交申请的日期。您必须遵循此步骤,以便亲自在ICA提交您的申请。
Note: A non-refundable processing fee of S$100 is payable upfront for every application submitted. If the application is successful, S$70 is payable for the Singapore Citizenship Certificate. New citizens who are above 15 years old must obtain a pink National Registration Identity Card at a fee of S$10.
- 原始和放弃信的复印件的外国公民身份。这意味着您必须在收到新加坡公民审批函后访问当前国籍的大使馆并放弃当前的公民身份。通常情况下,大使馆将接受您的宣誓声明,放弃您的公民身份,并将其发送给有关当局回到家中进行进一步处理。根据您的国家,失去当前公民身份的过程可能需要1 - 12个月,此时您将发出正式证书,表明失去国籍。但是,大使馆通常能够立即向您发出一封信,说明您已将注释申请提交给它们。这封信足以让誓言参加ICA办公室。但是,您需要向ICA办事处提交一旦您收到大使馆,就会向ICA办事处丢失公民身份证书。
- Your PR card, i.e. blue identity card
- 如批准信中所示的规格,四张护照尺寸照片
- Any other documents that might be indicated in the approval letter
- 收集您的文件
- Ask you to take the Oath of Renunciation, Allegiance and Loyalty and sign some procedural paperwork
- 收取费用(通过网70澳元)以发行公民身份证明
- 向您发出临时身份证
Once the meeting with the officer is over, you can apply for your Singapore passport on the spot by completing an application for the issuance of passport. The application is very simple and should not take more than 5 minutes to complete. The passport application is filed at the same ICA office but on a different level. You will need to make a payment of S$70 per passport application via NETS. The passport will be mailed to you within 3-5 working days by registered post.
The last step left in your pursuit of Singapore citizenship is the Citizenship Ceremony organized by the Group Representative Constituency (GRC).
Within 3-4 months of the Oath Taking event, you will receive another letter asking you to attend a Citizenship Ceremony usually held at a local community centre nearest to your place of residence. The Citizenship Ceremony is organised to welcome new citizens. Attendance is compulsory except for infants, and aged or handicapped adults. This is a group event which means all new citizens residing in the local area will attend together. You will need to bring along the following documents:
- 你收到的信
- Your temporary identity card
- 客人荣誉致辞
- 履行承诺
- 唱国国歌
- 公民身份证明和粉红色身份证的介绍
- 小组照片拍摄
- 自助式招待会
What should I do if my Singapore citizenship application is rejected?
Unfortunately, authorities won’t give you any details of why the application was rejected. Normally, your application could be rejected if authorities are not convinced with one or more of the following:
- 你的财务福祉
- Your track of being a lawful individual
- 您打算在新加坡定居长途
- Try to meet with a senior ICA officer from the Citizenship section and seek for guidance. There is a chance the officer might give you a hint so you can take note of it when you are re-applying.
- 查看您提交的所有文档,并查看您是否可以识别应用程序的弱点。
- Wait for at least a year and re-apply.
Yes, the government has the right to revoke your application. This can happen for example if you submitted false documents or facts in your application which later were discovered by authorities. Normally, this will happen in serious cases only such as failing to declare past convictions. You could end-up being a stateless person in such cases since you would have already lost your previous citizenship.
For details, refer toRenouncing Singapore Citizenship指南。
Need help to apply for Singapore citizenship?
Hawksford are renowned for supporting entrepreneurs and foreign companies and their employees establish their roots in Singapore.
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